Page 24 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
P. 24


        Etisalat Group CEO Highlights UAE’s Push for Innovation Making it a

        Destination for Everything Digital at GSMA Mobile 360 Eurasia Conference

        The  mobile industry is becoming a great   the leadership’s efforts became a beacon   build and maintain a competitive business
        enabler  across economies,  by continuing   for Etisalat  and  others to work  tirelessly   advantage, to drive new social and business
        to build partnerships across industries   to support the country to become one of   opportunities,  to increase revenue  while
        to enable meaningful  economic growth,   the  top  five  countries  around  the  world   also ensuring security. The two-day event
        expand    employment   opportunities,   in terms of its  technology  infrastructure,   also saw  the participation  of ministers,
        and empowering societies  at  large,   ICT  adoption,  and  investment  in  telecom   telecom  regulators,  data  protection
        emphasized Hatem Dowidar, CEO, Etisalat   services. This has in turn inspired Etisalat   authorities,  identity  authorities,  and
        Group, at his opening keynote on the first   to continue with its investments in building   senior  representatives from international
        day  of  the  GSMA  Mobile  360–Eurasia   the  world’s  fastest  network  and  cutting-  organizations to discuss the growth of the
        in Moscow.  Dowidar  participated in  the   edge  technologies  of  the  future.”  The   global digital  economy.  Discussions will
        fourth  edition  of  GSMA  Mobile  360–  GSMA  Mobile  360  –  Eurasia  conference   focus on technological breakthroughs that
        Eurasia  with  his  keynote, followed by  a   featured case studies and discussions   bring solutions with the potential to enrich
        panel discussion on ‘Empowering a Data-  aimed  at  top-level  regional  and  our everyday  lives, and free people from
        Driven  Society’  with  C-level  executives   international decision makers  focusing   mundane tasks, solving complex problems
        from telcos, infrastructure companies and   on  how to harness new  technologies  to   and generating value and prosperity.
        technology  providers. Main  discussion
        points focused on how crisis accelerates
        innovations presents  a  choice,  and is
        the key  to unlocking post crisis  growth
        with  technologies  such  as  AI,  5G,  Big
        Data,  and IoT  shaping the future and
        transforming lives rapidly,  reimagining
        a  more  connected  society.  “The  mobile
        industry has an unrivalled global reach
        and remains committed  to actively
        working with  governments,  international
        institutions across global and regional
        platforms.   Progressive   governments
        play  an important role in a  data-driven
        economy,  reaping  benefits  with  a  robust
        infrastructure and a  much  more evolved
        regulatory  environment  supporting this
        advancement. “The UAE is a great example;

        Etisalat Reasserts Dominance as World’s Fastest Mobile Network for the
        Second Consecutive Year

        Ookla®, a global leader in fixed broadband   the  presence  of  Etisalat  Group’s  CEO   mbps and an overall ranking in the ‘Speed
        and mobile network  testing applications,   Hatem Dowidar, key Etisalat management   Score’  at  153.05,  Etisalat  is  the  only
        data  and analytics, recognized Etisalat   executives,  and  representatives  from  the   operator globally to rank higher than 150
        as  the  world’s  fastest  mobile  network   technology  department. The ranking is   as  per  Ookla®  Speedtest®  data.  Etisalat
        operator in 2021, reaffirming its dominance   based  on  analysis  by  Ookla®  of  millions   is the winner of the Speedtest Awards™ for
        for the second  year in a  row.  This global   of tests actively initiated by  customers   both fastest mobile network globally and
        recognition  positions the UAE  as  the   across every  network to check  internet   fastest  fixed  broadband  network  in  GCC
        fastest nation on earth as it continues to   speeds  using  various applications on   during Q1-Q2 in 2021. Doug Suttles, CEO
        reign the mobile speed country index on its   web and mobile platforms. The Speedtest   and co-founder of Ookla, said: “Speedtest
        50th anniversary celebrations, fulfilling its   Awards™  for  top  network  providers  are   Awards™,  presented  by  Ookla®,  are
        objectives to create a better tomorrow with   determined  using  a  ‘Speed  Score™’  that   reserved for an elite delegation of network
        a brighter future. At an awards ceremony   incorporates a measure of each provider’s   operators that have delivered exceptional
        held at Etisalat’s Al Kifaf building in Dubai,   network speeds  (download and upload)   internet performance and coverage within
        Masood M. Sharif Mahmood, CEO, Etisalat   to rank network speed performance. With   a  market.  “It  is  our  pleasure  to  present
        UAE  Operations,  received  the  award  in   an  average  download  speed  of  193.88   Etisalat  with  the awards for  World's

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