Page 14 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
P. 14


                                 The Success of the Digital Economy

                                            Relies on Connectivity

        The  digital economy  improves economic  and societal
        outcomes  within countries  and serves as  a  source for
        innovation and productivity growth. A precise measurement
        of  the  digital  economy  is  difficult,  but  the  United  Nations
        cites a range from 4.5% to 15.5% of global GDP, or $4 trillion
        to $13.6 trillion in 2019 (based on 2019 global GDP of $87.8
        trillion). Connectivity is essential to the success of the digital
        economy,  fiber  network  is  the  foundation  of  full-service
        infrastructure,  and  IPv6  and  IPv6  enhanced  innovation  is
        the cornerstone for smart connection.

           Pioneering  telecom  operators  and
           governments in the region have proven
           that fiber & IPv6 development can bring
           tremendous  profits  and  significant
           economic value.

        In  Middle East  region,  most of the operators  has  already
        started the fiber and IPv6 journey.

        UAE  is  ranked number  one  for the highest  Fiber to the
        Home (FTTH) penetration among all its global counterparts
        for a third year in a row in 2019, according to the leading
        industry  body  FTTH  Council.  Companies  operating
        telecommunications services in the country have allocated
        a  monumental  budget  for investment in infrastructure
        amounting to AED 36 billion, which made the country own
        an infrastructure among the best in the world in terms of
        providing "fiber" services and coverage in general.

        In  Saudi  Arabia,  STC  is  one  of  the  first  Internet  service
        providers (ISPs) to roll out a full production Internet Protocol
        version 6 (IPv6) connectivity to its client infrastructure and
        cloud services platform since 2019. Zain started study on   Steven Yi
        IPv6 back in 2015, and now all Zain subscribers are enabled   Regional President, Middle East & Africa
        to  use  Ipv6,  and  more  than  50%  of  subscribers  are  ipv6
        active.                                              Huawei

        Additionally, many governments introduced  policies  to
        accelerate investment in network facilities. These policies
        are not just about responding to the present pandemic risks,
        but more about investing in the future.

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