Page 76 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 76


        TRA UAE Participates in the Broadband  Commission  for Sustainable

        Development Goals 2030 in New York

        The    UAE,   represented  by   the  of their broadband use,  as it is the  real   level advocacy  to promote  broadband  in
        General  Authority  for Regulating the   foundation  of the ICT  sector.  We  in  the   developing  countries and  underserved
        Telecommunications   Sector   (TRA),  UAE strongly believe that broadband is the   communities.  One of the central  roles of
        participated  in the 2030 targets of the   foundation for the future, and therefore we   the Commission is to advocate for higher
        Broadband  Commission  for  Sustainable   are adopting plans and strategies that aim   priority to be given to the development of
        Development,  held  in New York, USA   to promote broadband penetration. We are   broadband infrastructure and services, to
        as  part  of the 74th  session of the   keen to  support  all  decisions  that  would   ensure that the benefits of this technology
        UN General Assembly, where high-     enhance  broadband in  the Arab  region   is realized in all countries.  Governments
        level  commissioners  from  various  in particular and the  world in general,   and industry need to work together, hand-
        governmental  and industrial  sectors   leading to the achievement of sustainable   in-hand, to  devise  strategies for driving
        came up with solutions to accelerate the   development goals and increasing welfare   the  roll-out of these  networks much
        pace  of digital transformation  in LDCs,   and happiness  of human  societies.”  He   more proactively.  In 2018, given the shift
        and showcased a number of innovative of   pointed out that the UAE has become an   towards new  UN development Agenda
        digital transformation and their social and   exemplary  global  model for broadband   2030 and new challenges  of a digital
        economic impact across the world. During   deployment,  adding:  “The UAE has   world, the Commission re-evaluated
        the Commission meeting, the UAE submitted   ranked first globally in mobile broadband   and launched  new framework of Targets
        a joint proposal in cooperation with Saudi   subscriptions, and this achievement is the   2025  in  support  of “Connecting the
        Arabia to establish a  working group   result of plans and strategies developed by   Other Half” of the world’s population.
        entitled “Towards useful communication”,   the UAE  government under  the  guidance   These targets seek to expand broadband
        focusing  on  several elements  in terms   of its wise leadership and the team spirit   infrastructure, and Internet  access and
        of connecting  countries  to the Internet.   of government entities. We at  the TRA   use by  populations around  the  world, in
        Commenting   on   this  participation,  are eager to spread the leading Emirati   support of achievement of the Sustainable
        Hamad  Obaid  Al  Mansouri, TRA Director   experience  to  the  benefit  of  all.”  The   Development  Goals  established by  the
        General, Broadband Commission Member,   Broadband Commission engages in high-  United Nations.
        said:  “The  Broadband  Commission  for
        Sustainable Development  Goals  aims  to
        underline the importance of broadband in
        the international  policy agenda,  broaden
        access to  broadband by  all  countries as
        a  key  to accelerating progress  towards
        national and international development
        goals, and identify practical ways that can
        help countries achieve  their development
        goals in cooperation with the private
        sector.” Al Mansouri stressed  that the
        participation of the UAE as a Commission
        member  reflects  the  vital  role  played  by
        the  country in international  forums  and
        its  concerted efforts  in supporting all
        decisions  and proposals  that promote
        digital transformation at the regional and
        global  levels. He added:  “All sustainable
        development processes that countries are
        currently pursuing depend  on the extent

        PTA Warns Zong Over 5G Adverts

        Sector   watchdog    the   Pakistan  to test  5G technology  and the  company   availability of commercial services based
        Telecommunication  Authority  (PTA)  is  not authorized  to  offer a  commercial   on [a]  5G network’  and instructed  the
        has  published  a  statement reminding   5G service. The  PTA claimed  that   company to withdraw the relevant material.
        the public that  Chinese-owned mobile   certain advertisements  from the  cellco
        provider Zong has only been  permitted   may ‘mislead the  public  regarding  [the]
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