Page 69 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 69


        Tech Mahindra Racks Up Multi-Year Cloud Deal with AT&T

        Tech  Mahindra wins a multi-year deal   means layoffs for AT&T employees. While   service  orchestration.    By  offloading
        with  AT&T  to  move  some  of  the  telco’s   there weren’t a lot of details in Thursday’s   some of the work to Tech Mahindra, AT&T
        systems and operations to the cloud. AT&T   announcement  between  Tech Mahindra   will be able to focus more on virtualizing
        is covering all of its cloud bases with yet   and AT&T, it looks like Tech Mahindra will   the remaining  75% of its  network  by the
        another  cloud  announcement,  this time   do the heavy lifting in regards to moving   end  of next year and the continued  build
        with IT vendor Tech Mahindra. The multi-  some  of  AT&T’s  systems  and  operations   out  is  software-defined  5G  network.
        year agreement with Tech Mahindra, which   to  the  cloud.  AT&T  and  Tech  Mahindra   “Our agreement  with Tech  Mahindra  is
        is reportedly worth $1 billion, follows hot on   did say that they would  work together   another step forward in delivering greater
        the heels of recent cloud announcements   across several technologies and platforms   flexibility across our IT operations,”
        with Microsoft, IBM, and Mirantis. AT&T’s   such  as  artificial  intelligence,  DevOps,   said  AT&T  Communications  CIO  Jon
        announced  partnership  with Microsoft   data analytics and 5G. On a related note,   Summers, in a prepared statement. “This
        in July was  the telco’s coming out party   Tech  Mahindra  announced  at  Mobile   includes  optimizing our  core operations
        for  its  “public  cloud  first”  strategy,  which   World  Congress earlier  this year that its   and modernizing our internal  network
        includes moving most of its non-network   continuous  integration and continuous   applications to accelerate innovation as we
        workloads, such as  IT  workloads and   deployment framework was  designed  to   march forward to our goal of a nationwide
        systems  and HR  functions,  to  the public   accelerate  5G adoption  by  automating   5G network by the first half of 2020. Our
        cloud by  2024.  Tech Mahindra  will  take   key network lifecycle stages such as telco   collaboration  with Tech  Mahindra will
        over the management  of many of the   cloud,  VNFs  (virtual  network functions)   ultimately  help accelerate  our  network
        applications that support AT&T’s network   lifecycle automation, and implementation   operations  and  overall  technology
        and shared systems. It’s not clear if that   of DevOps continuous  integration and   leadership.”  According to a  story  by  The
                                                                                 Economic Times, the Tech Mahindra deal
                                                                                 is worth $1 billion, and it’s among the New
                                                                                 Delhi, India-based company’s biggest over
                                                                                 the past five or six years. Tech Mahindra
                                                                                 has  a  long  history  of  assisting  AT&T,
                                                                                 including AT&T’s deal to of buy BellSouth
                                                                                 in 2006. More recently, the two companies
                                                                                 worked  together  on  artificial  intelligence
                                                                                 project Acumos prior to AT&T putting it into
                                                                                 open  source  with the Linux Foundation.
                                                                                 Early last year, Tech Mahindra announced
                                                                                 it was reselling AT&T’s FlexWare network

        Tech Mahindra  and  Adjoint  Collaborate  to  Announce  Industry’s First
        Blockchain Solution for Secure  Enterprise Financial  Management  and

        Tech Mahindra, a leading provider of digital   open  source  distributed  ledger platform   Europe and the US markets. The solutions
        transformation, consulting  and  business   designed  to  improve  efficiency,  security   will  help  the  clients  improve  profitability,
        reengineering  services and solutions,   and  compliance  in  modern  financial   efficiency  and  will  help  protect  sensitive
        and Adjoint, a global leader  in innovative   processes. It  has  a  messaging and   information in  general  data  protection
        financial  technology,  have  announced   consensus  protocol mechanism  through   regulation (GDPR) compliant fashion. With
        industry’s  first  Blockchain  solution  for   which  the  participants  in  the  Blockchain   Tech  Mahindra  focusing  on  the  Banking,
        secure  enterprise  financial  management   ecosystem agree on the data to be put in   financial  services  and  insurance  (BFSI)
        and insurance  services across locations   the blockchain ledger. It allows enterprises   sector across the globe, we are happy to
        to create a seamless and reliable    to quickly deploy, maintain, verify and   collaborate  with  a  financial  technology
        customer  experience.  With this solution   execute  secure, multi-party  workflows.   company like Adjoint to enrich our Banking
        customers  will be  saving up  to USD 4   Rajesh  Dhuddu,  Global  Head  Blockchain,   and Insurance  Solutions  offerings.” The
        million for every 1 billion of financial risk   Tech Mahindra, said, “Tech Mahindra will   Adjoint solution would enable enterprises
        management  and banking  relationships.   partner with Adjoint to provide customized   to validate the  business  case with their
        The  solution  is built  upon  Uplink,  an   treasury and insurance solutions to Asia,   own data in their own secure environment

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