Page 23 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 23


        Telcos Today Play a Key Role in Enabling a Digital Economy, Says Etisalat


        Today  digital proliferates the  telecom   vision’.  Key  topics were reinventing  the   The  panel  also looked  into highlighting
        industry  with  digital  services  deeply   current telco to thrive in the future, offering   best practice  to avoid cable congestion;
        embedded  in our business  models. We   a multi-service player with a  wide range   improving connectivity between existing
        are also  enablers for other industries   of digital services;  developing  the  most   subsea cables;  and boosting  capacity to
        providing connectivity solutions to grow in   efficient  business  models  and  strategies   meet the massive growth  in  data,  IP  and
        the digital economy, said Hatem Dowidar,   to grow in the digital era. These discussion   content demands between Asia and West
        CEO International, Etisalat, in his opening   topics are in  line with  Etisalat’s  overall   Africa via  the Middle  East.  Other Etisalat
        remarks  at  Telecoms  World Middle East   strategy of ‘Driving the Digital  Future to   senior  executives who participated in
        and Carriers World Middle East  2019.   Empower  Societies’. Dr.  Kamal Shehadi,   panel discussions were Omar  Al Zaabi,
        “Etisalat  pioneered the 5G launch in the   Chief Legal and Regulatory Affairs Officer,   Vice  President  –  Product  &  Capacity
        MENA region through its commitment and   Etisalat  International, participated in a   Management, Etisalat; and José L. López-
        focused efforts on key strategic priorities   keynote panel on ‘5G rollout: will the Gulf   Villén,  Director  of  Open  Innovation  &  IoT
        that has enabled smarter digital offerings   win the race?’.  Panelists deliberated  on   Partnerships,  Etisalat.  On  the  event’s
        and transformed the ecosystem. This has   a wide range of issues, including tapping   second  day,  Gonçalo Fernandes, Senior
        opened  up opportunities to  engage with   into the 360 million mobile subscribers in   Director Emerging Technologies and
        business  and customers  in new  ways.”   the region; examining the need for private   Design, Etisalat Digital, will take part in a
        The 15th Telecoms World Middle East and   sector  investment  to deliver 5G goals;   ‘fireside chat’ on ‘Blockchain for telecoms:
        Carriers World Middle East  is  ongoing  at   explaining  the  economic  benefits  and   a new digital transformation tool’. Robert
        Conrad Hotel in Dubai on 24-25 September.   social benefits of next generation network   Middlehurst,  Vice President/Regulatory
        The event is among the biggest and most   deployment; and evaluating the necessary   Affairs, Etisalat International,  will share
        influential  telecom  events in the region   regulations  to enable  deployment and   his insights into ‘Regulating AI: a matter of
        focusing  on the latest  developments   causes for concern. Ali Amiri, Group Chief   urgency?’ Abid Mustafa, Director Strategy
        transforming  the  telecoms  industry,  Carrier and Wholesale Officer, Etisalat, took   and Customer Experience  PMO, Etisalat,
        such as 5G networks, AI and automation.   part  in  a  panel  discussion  on  ‘Breaking   will present a case study on ‘Documenting
        Discussions  covered strategy, innovation   boundaries in the ME: what opportunities   Etisalat’s  Robotic Process  Automation
        and partnerships for the telecoms    lie ahead?’  A multitude of topics were   (RPA) journey’. He will cite the benefits of
        ecosystem. Etisalat chief executives were   discussed  such as  accessing  emerging   effectively automating human  interaction
        part of panel discussions and roundtables   markets in the Middle East (ME) for global   with computer software to carry out tasks
        moderated by global and regional experts   and regional carriers,  capitalizing on   autonomously; increasing responsiveness
        in  the  region.  Hatem  Bamatraf,  CTO,   the geographical  advantage of the UAE   to disruption  by streamlining tasks;
        Etisalat International, was a key panelist in   and neighboring countries,  and driving   and keeping the  end user in  mind by
        the opening CEO keynote panel on ‘Driving   the ME  to become the subsea  terminal   overcoming major challenges.
        digital transformation  in TMT: a  2030   hub between Europe and the Far  East.

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