Page 132 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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        crore  or  $3  billion  next  year,  said  Zunaid
        Ahmed Palak. "It is a pleasant surprise to
        see a Bangladeshi-made solution for end-
        mile  logistics  incorporating  IoT  and  next-
        generation technology," Daraz's Global CEO
        Bjarke Mikkelsen  said.  Daraz  is proud to
        partner  with  the  ekShop-Digibox  initiative
        for its last-mile delivery solution and hopes
        to expand or multiply its reach in the near
        future,"  he  added. Describing  the  features
        of Digibox, Rezwanul Haque Jami, Head of
        Digital Business at Aspire to Innovate (a2i)
        Program, said  it  is  well-suited  for solving
        storage and distribution challenges in any
        industry.  With  its  help,  companies  have
        improved their  operations  while reducing   Tejgaon Hub, Zigatola Hub, Mohammadpur   and  Mirpur  as part  of its  nationwide
        labor costs,  asset  losses,  and  automated   Hub, Celebrations  Point  (Gulshan),  BCC   expansion agenda. It is estimated that with
        regulatory  compliance.  For e-commerce   Bhaban  -  ICT  Tower and  Agrabad  Hotel   1000  such boxes across  Bangladesh,  the
        logistics, it allowed users with the fastest   Chattogram. So far, in  only a few weeks   total logistics lead time can be reduced by
        delivery-retrieval  cycle.  There  is  no more   of operations,  the  system  collected and   50% for the whole ecommerce sector. Dr.
        missed delivery or returns or extra delivery   distributed  more than  5000  parcels.  This   Dewan Muhammad Humayun Kabir, project
        cost. "Digibox  is  designed  in  such a way   portrays the  sharp demand for this  kind   director at Aspire to Innovate (a2i) Program,
        that  one single  installation  can serve up   of simple  yet  sophisticated  IoT logistics   chaired the event, while Bjarke Mikkelsen,
        to 300 customers a day, without spending   device in the market. Apart from the places,   Global  CEO  of  Daraz,  Alibaba  Group, and
        Tk50-100  per delivery; that  is  a  saving  of   work  is  underway to install  DigiBox  on   Syed  Mostahidal  Hoq, Managing  Director
        Tk5-Tk9 lakh a month," he added. Currently,   Jamuna Future Park, Shimanto Shambhar,   of Daraz Bangladesh spoke at the program.
        DigiBox  has  been  installed  on Daraz   North  South  University,  Dhaka  University,

        German Cellcos Progress Plans to Eliminate Mobile ‘Grey Spots’

        German mobile network operators (MNOs)   cooperation agreement in early 2021, with   statement  read. In  turn, O2  Telefonica
        Vodafone,  O2  Telefonica  and  Telekom   around 400 more areas to follow. Further,   customers can access Vodafone’s network
        Deutschland  have  revealed  they  are   Vodafone noted  that  its  agreement  with   in  these locations,  while  in  its  own press
        working closely to eliminate dead network   Telefonica has also finally kicked into gear.   release O2 Telefonica revealed that under
        signal  spots  in  rural  parts  of Germany to   ‘The  starting  signal  has  also  been  given   its pact with Telekom, so far mutual access
        improve mobile phone coverage. In a press   for the  cooperation  between  Vodafone   has been provided at 200 cell phone sites,
        release, Vodafone published an update on   and  Telefonica:  Vodafone  is  now using   with  up  to  700  locations  set  to  follow by
        progress to date, noting that, working with   the network technology of the operator O2   the end of the year – affording coverage to
        Telekom,  the  pair  have  now closed  more   Telefonica, which has been the only operator   some 100,000 Germans.
        than  2,600  ‘grey  spots’  since  signing  the   there  up  to  now,  at  its  first  locations,’  the

        Bullitt Targets Satellite Phone Space

        Rugged  phone  manufacturer Bullitt  Group   “jump ahead” of rival services and devices   rumors  Apple’s  latest  iPhone  will  offer
        was tipped to become the latest to equip   with  a  smartphone  “capable  of  two-way   connectivity  to Globalstar  birds  and  a
        standard  devices  to  receive  satellite   messaging”. The Bullitt phone is expected   Google  executive  this  week  indicating
        signals,  with  BBC  News reporting  the   to automatically link to one of two global   a  future  version  of Android  will  be
        company  aimed  to launch a  product in   satellite networks in areas lacking mobile   compatible.  Late  last  month,  T-Mobile  US
        early 2023.  The  news  service stated  UK-  coverage. It will run a chip developed over   revealed a deal to deliver connectivity from
        headquartered Bullitt  plans  to launch a   the past 18 months by Asian manufacturer,   the second generation of SpaceX satellites,
        device capable  of sending  and  receiving   Wharton told BBC News. There is growing   one  of several  operators and  specialist
        messages  in  February 2023.  Bullitt  co-  interest  in  equipping  standard mobile   players exploring such deals.
        founder Richard Wharton stated it hopes to   devices to receive  satellite  signals,  with

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