Page 128 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 128


        Canadian Operators Agree to Emergency Roaming and Mutual Assistance


        Major Canadian  telecoms  network operators have  signed  a   ones,  access  911,  and  conduct  business  transactions.  As  part
        Memorandum of Understanding on Telecommunications Reliability   of this agreement, the companies also commit to providing clear
        ‘to ensure the reliability and resiliency of communications networks   and  timely  communications  to keep  Canadians  and  appropriate
        that  are  a  significant  lifeline  for  those  in  need  during  natural   authorities informed about response and restoration during major
        disasters,  network failures  and  other  impactful emergencies.’   network outages.’ A series of additional steps are being worked on,
        The  action  was  ordered  by  Minister  of  Innovation,  Science  and   including:  The  Canadian  Security  Telecommunications  Advisory
        Industry Francois-Philippe Champagne in response to a massive   Committee  (CSTAC)  is  examining  further  measures  (within
        outage on the  Rogers network in  July. Participating  companies   six  months)  to ensure  robust  and  reliable  telecommunications
        – Rogers, Bell, Telus, Eastlink, Cogeco, SaskTel, Shaw (including   networks across the country. The Canadian Radio-television and
        Freedom Mobile), Tbaytel, Telesat, Videotron, Xplornet and Zayo   Telecommunications Commission  (CRTC)  is  pursuing a detailed
        –  agreed  to  three  main  Protocols:  Emergency  Roaming;  Mutual   investigation  of Rogers’  recent  outage,  including  new  measures
        Assistance; and the Emergency Network Outage Communications   the  latter is  putting  in  place. Innovation,  Science &  Economic
        Protocol.  The  Minister  noted  that,  from 9  September: ‘Should   Development  Canada  (ISED) is  reviewing appropriate regulatory
        one  of these  providers  be  faced  with  a  major network outage,   measures to be implemented aimed at strengthening the reliability
        the  other companies  have  committed  to provide  the  support   and  safety  of networks.  Work  on  a  Public  Safety  Broadband
        and  assistance  necessary  so  that  Canadians  can  reach  loved   Network is also progressing.

        Ukraine Will Join EU Roaming Zone

                                                               a move which would allow travelers between Ukraine and the EU
                                                               to access voice, text and mobile data services without additional
                                                               charges. As reported by, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys
                                                               Shmyhal announced: ‘We signed the Digital Europe Program with a
                                                               total budget of EUR7.5 billion [USD7.45 billion] that includes some
                                                               very important digital technologies and also joining the roaming
                                                               space in the EU.’ EU Commissioner for Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi
                                                               stated:  ‘We are exploring  now sound options  for  associating
                                                               Ukraine fully in our roaming area to enjoy the same lowered tariffs
        Ukraine aims to join the European free mobile network roaming   between  Ukraine  and  the  EU’, adding  that  if  Ukraine’s  telecoms
        zone via a digital cooperation agreement signed this week at the   market integrates with the EU it would be of benefit ‘not only for
        eighth meeting of the EU-Ukraine Association Council in Brussels,   the markets but for the people to be able to maintain contact’.

        Algar Given Roaming Deadline

        Brazil  regional  operator Algar  Telecom  has  been  given  30  days   has violated competition rules by providing ‘permanent roaming’
        to negotiate  a  new roaming contract  with  Claro to support  the   for IoT/M2M services in regions where it has not been licensed to
        provision of IoT connectivity. It was recently established that Algar   operate.

        Free Mobile and Orange Extend Roaming Deal for Three Years

        France’s Authority of Regulation for Electronic Communications and   and 3G roaming deal was signed in 2011 and is set to expire on 31
        Posts (Autorite de Regulation des Communications Electroniques   December this year. The regulator has now approved an extension
        et des Postes, Arcep) has agreed to an extension of the national   to 31 December 2025.
        roaming agreement  between  Free  Mobile  and  Orange.  Their  2G

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