Page 96 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 96


        ITU, Estonia,  Germany  and  DIAL Join  Forces  to  Accelerate Digital

        Transformation of Government Services

        The   International  Telecommunication  work  with  Estonia,  Germany  and  DIAL  to   workshops,  and  knowledge  sharing and
        Union (ITU), together with the Ministry of   continue to advance ICT-related solutions   exchanges. Raul Siem, Minister of Foreign
        Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia   that can power country-level action to   Trade and Information Technology  of
        (MFA  Estonia), the Federal Ministry  for   achieve the  SDGs." Furthermore,  the   Estonia, noted  his country's openness  to
        Economic  Cooperation and Development   partnership aims at facilitating fundraising   sharing expertise in digital transformation:
        of the Federal Republic of Germany (BMZ),   to  support  relevant  and interested   “Estonia  has  a  long  experience  in
        and  the  Digital  Impact  Alliance  (DIAL)   stakeholders  who can contribute  to   building a holistic digital society, from the
        at the  United  Nations Foundation,  have   deploying and scaling up digital services   technological standpoint to putting in place
        signed a  joint  declaration  to  accelerate   by  building shared digital  infrastructures   proper  legislation.  Our digital ecosystem
        digital  transformation  and digitalization   that will power future innovations centered   relies on strong public-private partnerships
        of government services, particularly in   around  citizen  needs.  “This  collaboration   which,  among  other things,  is  something
        low-resource  settings  The  partnership   will  truly  power digital transformation   we are also keen  on sharing  within this
        will  establish a  framework for digital   and give  governments the chance to   partnership  and working towards the
        cooperation  among governments to    build and deploy their digital services and   Sustainable  Development  Goals."  “One
        assist countries in implementing scalable   applications in a cost efficient, accelerated   of  DIAL's  main  objectives  is  to  connect,
        digital services and applications in a   and integrated manner," explained Norbert   scale and support  proven solutions that
        cost efficient, accelerated, and integrated   Barthle,  Parliamentary  State  Secretary  to   are necessary for digital transformation
        manner. The aim is to scale the framework   the German Federal Minister for Economic   to  be successful,"  said  Kate  Wilson, CEO
        to  global  level  for all  ITU  Member States   Cooperation  and  Development  (BMZ).   of DIAL. “This partnership will support our
        to accelerate  the achievement  of the   “Particularly governments in low-resource   efforts to do that, expand our existing work
        Sustainable Development  Goals  (SDGs),   settings that  have  not yet  digitized their   with ITU, including the Digital Investment
        as  well as  to facilitate the development   services will now have the freedom to make   Framework, and learn from both Estonia
        of transformative and paperless  citizen-  decisions based on the state of technology   and Germany  to  help other countries
        centric  services that are accessible  and   as it is today – cloud, microservices and   on their  digital  transformation  journey."
        available to all members of society. “In the   artificial intelligence – without being held   The partnership  and the establishment
        last  few  months,  digital  transformation   back by legacy solutions of past decades."   of the Sustainable Development Goals
        has  accelerated at  an  unprecedented   Other goals of  the partnership include   Digital Platform will be  implemented
        speed and scale, and governments are on   contributing to the work of the international   within the framework of the ITU Regional
        the  frontline,"  said ITU Secretary-General   community to power digital transformation   Initiatives for Europe,  a  citizen-centric
        Houlin  Zhao.  “This  new  partnership   by  sharing expertise, guidelines, best   approach to building services for national
        between  ITU,  Estonia,  Germany  and  DIAL   practices  and case studies  on  relevant   administrations.
        is  an  important  step in  advancing digital   topics, and undertaking joint actions, such
        government  services, in particular in   as  thematic  meetings, capacity  building
        low-income  countries,  in support of the
        United  Nations Sustainable  Development
        Goals." One of the  main goals of the
        partnership  is  to implement  a reference
        digital government platform,  called  the
        Sustainable  Development  Goals (SDGs)
        Digital Platform, as a digital public  good
        based on reusable,  standards-driven,
        secure and interoperable  building blocks
        in line with the whole-of-government
        approach to building  and deploying
        digital services  and applications.  Doreen
        Bogdan-Martin,  Director  of  the  ITU
        Telecommunication  Development  Bureau
        said:  “Successful  digital  transformation
        efforts  require  cooperation  across  all
        actors. ITU  welcomes the opportunity to

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