Page 85 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 85


        DOCOMO, Fujitsu and NEC Claim ‘World First’ CA Using 5G Frequencies on

        Multi-Vendor RAN

        NTT DOCOMO, Fujitsu and NEC claim to
        have  achieved  the  ‘world’s  first  carrier
        aggregation [CA]  using 5G  frequency
        bands  in a multi-vendor  Radio Access
        Network (RAN)’. In a joint press release, the
        companies  said  that  interoperability  with
        multi-vendor  5G  base station  equipment
        was  achieved ‘in compliance  with
        specifications  established  by  the  Open
        Radio Access Network (O-RAN) Alliance’.
        DOCOMO  confirmed  that  CA  used  the
        3.7GHz and 4.5GHz bands designated for
        5G networks, and noted  that by bundling
        LTE  bands,  downlink  speeds  of  4.2Gbps
        ‘will  be  achievable, enabling  ultra-fast
        data   transmission’.   The   statement
        went  on  to  point  out:  ‘DOCOMO  already
        provides commercial 5G services in Japan
        through a multi-vendor RAN that connects
        baseband  units and remote radio units
        manufactured by  Fujitsu  and NEC  based
        on O-RAN’s open fronthaul specifications.
        The same system configuration was used   NEC also announced  that they  have   Alliance  specifications,  with  5G  base
        to  achieve  this  5G  carrier  aggregation.’   successfully  expanded  multi-vendor  station remote  radio units (5G-RUs) of
        Going forward, the three firms will continue   interoperability by ‘interconnecting a new   other  vendors  on  DOCOMO’s  commercial
        working toward  the early  introduction  of   5G base station baseband  unit (5G-CU/  network’. The move should make it easier
        commercial 5G CA  services,  they said.   DU), developed  by  NEC and Samsung   to drive the rapid and flexible deployment
        In a related  development,  DOCOMO  and   Electronics  and compliant  with O-RAN   of 5G services across Japan.

        Tri Works With DOCOMO on Narrow Beam Antenna Deployment

        Mobile operator  Hutchison  3  Indonesia   beam antennas on top of a mobile tower   Jatinegara, Meruya and Bintaro. The cellco
        (Tri) has said it is working with Japanese   boosts signal strength  and penetration   says that improving network quality is core
        counterpart NTT DOCOMO to deploy Narrow   into buildings in metropolitan areas, where   to its drive to provide ‘the best service for
        Beam Antenna technology in its networks   the highest portion of its mobile data traffic   its  users in more than 34,000 villages in
        in a bid to reduce the incidence of ‘network   originates. 3 Indonesia has so far deployed   Indonesia through its  4.5G  Pro  network,
        instability’,  specifically  in  tall  buildings.   the technology  in six  Jabodetabek areas   [the availability of] which ‘is now wider and
        IndoTelko  notes  that  installing  narrow-  –  Kuningan,  Casablanca,  Pancoran,  stronger,’ it claims.

        T-Mobile, Ericsson Achieve ‘Peak Cell Throughput’ Of 5.6Gbps

        T-Mobile  US  and  Ericsson have teamed   of  Sprint.  T-Mobile  explained:  ‘Using  a   of hitting more than 350Mbps.  And with
        up to  stage a  16-layer Multi  MIMO   commercially available Massive MIMO   two  data  streams  for  each  device,  that’s
        demonstration,  showcasing  peak cell   radio with 64 antennas from Ericsson and   700Mbps  for  each  smartphone,  all  using
        throughput  of more than 5.6Gbps.  The   the  OnePlus  8  5G  smartphones  T-Mobile   the same radio resources at  the same
        trial  utilized one channel  of the 2.5GHz   sells today, 16 unique  streams of data   time.’
        spectrum acquired via T-Mobile’s takeover   were transmitted – each stream  capable

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