Page 83 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 83


        North American Operators Tackle 6G

        Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile US and US Cellular joined other telecoms heavy hitters
        under the guise of the Next G Alliance, aiming to steer development of 6G and
        establish North America as a global leader in the technology. The group’s work
        will span R&D, manufacturing, standardization and market readiness, seeking
        to rally operators, vendors and other participants around a core set of priorities
        to influence technology development, government policy and funding. Beyond
        the US operators, founding members of the group include Canadian operators
        Bell  Canada  and  Telus;  equipment  vendors  Ericsson,  Nokia  and  Samsung;
        Qualcomm; Facebook; Microsoft; JMA Wireless; Ciena; InterDigital; and Telnyx.
        The group was  launched  by  the Alliance for Telecommunications  Industry
        Solutions  (ATIS), which  in May called  on the US government  and industry
        experts to begin work on the next generation of mobile networks. ATIS CEO
        Susan Miller stated the Next G Alliance’s work will lay “the foundation for a
        vibrant marketplace for North American innovation”.

        DOCOMO Develops 5G X-Border Platform

                                                                         Japanese cellco NTT DOCOMO has announced that
                                                                         its  new  5G  X-Border  Platform  (5G-XBP)  went  live
                                                                         from  1  October  2020.  In  a  press  release,  Japan’s
                                                                         largest  cellco  by  subscribers  noted  that  5G-XBP
                                                                         ‘directly connects  the DOCOMO  Open Innovation
                                                                         Cloud platform with  5G  networks overseas using a
                                                                         dedicated network for closed communication walled
                                                                         off from the open internet, allowing customers to use
                                                                         cloud services with confidence in secure cross-border
                                                                         environments’. The statement goes on to confirm that
                                                                         the carrier will initially use the new platform to offer
                                                                         ‘a global version of the AceReal solution (i.e. a global
                                                                         version of a platform that includes DOCOMO’s cloud-
                                                                         based AceReal Apps business-support  application)
                                                                         on a  limited-time pre-service basis  in Thailand (in
                                                                         collaboration  with local mobile operator  Advanced
                                                                         Info Services) which will allow technicians in Japan
                                                                         to remotely support worksites in Thailand beginning
                                                                         15 October 2020. The solution will be provided via a
                                                                         dedicated secure cloud network.

        Open RAN Spending Tipped To Top $5B By 2024

        Market research company Dell’Oro Group   and analyst, explained  momentum  is   operator  networks:  officials  previously
        predicted  sales of open  RAN equipment   being  fuelled  by  “a  confluence  of  factors   expressed interest in developing open RAN
        will  grow  at  double-digit  rates  in  the   including  promising results from initial   technologies  as an alternative source  of
        five  years  to  end-2024,  citing  political   commercial deployments, growing support   telecom  kit.  Major  players Ericsson and
        uncertainty  as  one  of three main drivers   from the incumbent  RAN suppliers and   Nokia  both backed open  RAN, with the
        of momentum  behind  the approach.   increased geopolitical  uncertainty  acting   former a  member  of the O-RAN  Alliance
        Total spending  over the forecast  period   as a catalyst for operators to rethink their   since February  2019  and the latter
        is tipped to hit $5 billion, with cumulative   supplier strategies”. The political reference   joining a US-oriented lobby group in May.
        shipments  of radio equipment  including   appears to relate to attempts by the US   Nokia detailed  plans to incorporate  the
        macro and small  cells expected  to reach   government  to  push  Chinese vendor   technology into its range in 2021.
        1 million units.  Stefan  Pongratz, VP   Huawei out of domestic and international
                                                                                                    83    SEP-OCT 2020
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