Page 57 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 57


        Saudi Arabia Delivers 5G Download Speed of 377.2 Mbps

        Saudi  Arabia delivered  an average   average 4G download speed of 60.5 Mbps.   mode,  requiring  support  from  the 4G
        5G  download  speed  of  377.2  Mbps,   The latest data mark an improvement for   network. South Korea ranked fifth in terms
        according to a report from industry tracker   South Korea’s 5G network, which recorded   of 5G mobile  network accessibility, with
        Opensignal.  South  Korea’s  5G  download   an average download speed of 312.7 Mbps   Saudi Arabia at 37 percent, Kuwait at 27.7
        speed  is  the  world’s  second-fastest   in  an  August report  from  Opensignal.   percent, Thailand at 24.9 percent and Hong
        behind Saudi Arabia, reaching an average   The  time South Korean 5G users spend   Kong at 22.9 percent, the report said. South
        speed of 336.1 Mbps. Opensignal tracked   connected  to the network  rose, reaching   Korea, which started the commercial  roll
        data  between  July  1  and  September  28   22.2  percent,  up  from  20.7  percent.   out of 5G service in April last year, had 8.7
        in 15  countries  with  5G  networks.  South   Many  countries  that  have deployed 5G,   million 5G mobile accounts  as  of August
        Korea’s  5G  download  speed  over  the   including South Korea, currently offer the   as compared with some 800,000 from the
        period  was  also 5.6  times faster than its   network’s  services  on  non-standalone   previous month.

        Saudi  National  Cybersecurity Authority  Issues  New  Controls for Cloud


        The National  Cybersecurity  Authority   into global Cybersecurity  standards,   Cybersecurity cloud controls, and lays out
        (NCA) issued its  Cloud  Cybersecurity   practices  frameworks and controls, the   their relation to  international standards.
        Controls  document, it  announced. The   NCA said in its statement. The document   The new document is  an extension  of
        controls aim to reinforce  the reliability   consists  of  37  main  controls  and  96   other controls issued by  NCA, including
        of cloud  services by  providing security   subcontrols for cloud-service providers,   its  Essential  Cybersecurity  Controls
        against various threats and to support the   as  well  as  18  main  controls  and  26   and  Critical  Systems  Cybersecurity
        continuity  of services  to users.  The  NCA   subcontrols  for  cloud-service  tenants.   Controls.  The authority stressed  that  by
        is responsible for issuing, monitoring, and   The NCA also announced its Cybersecurity   implementing  these  controls, users will
        updating  the  Kingdom’s  Cybersecurity   cloud controls methodology and mapping   be protecting  national security  and the
        policies  and standards. The  document   annex document, which explains  the   Kingdom’s critical infrastructure.
        was  developed  after  extensive  research   design  principles and structure of the

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