Page 35 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 35


        Eutelsat’s HOTBIRD Selected by Kabelio for New Swiss HD Platform

        Eutelsat Communications’ (Euronext Paris:   international  channels,  and includes   This agreement highlights the unmatched
        ETL)  HOTBIRD  video  neighborhood  has   34  premium TV  channels  in  HD  quality   reach  of  EUTELSAT  HOTBIRD,  as  well  as
        been  selected  by  Switzerland’s  Kabelio   including  entertainment,  sport, news and   the resilience  of  the European broadcast
        AG for the launch of a  new Swiss  direct   documentaries, supplemented by a range   landscape.”   Kabelio   Chief   Executive
        to home HD platform. This multi-year   of free-to-air channels in various European   Officer,  Damir  Krilcic  added:  “Kabelio’s
        contract will enable Kabelio to leverage the   languages.  Commenting  on the contract,   new platform aims to address Swiss DTH
        unparalleled  reach  of  Eutelsat’s  premier   Apostolos  Triantafyllou  Eutelsat’s  Vice   satellite households offering them a range
        hotspot to launch a service targeting Swiss   President of Sales, DACH, CE & SE Europe   of premium channels many of which have
        audiences  both  at home  and throughout   said: “We are delighted to welcome Kabelio   not previously  been  offered by  satellite.
        Europe.  Launched  mid-October,  Kabelio’s   aboard  HOTBIRD  and  to  support  the   We are excited to partner with Eutelsat to
        new line-up features both  domestic and   launch  of a  new HD  platform in Europe.   launch this new service offering.”

        Azam TV Migrates Services to EUTELSAT 7C with Multi-Year Contract
        Extension and Additional Capacity

        Eutelsat Communications (Euronext Paris:   definition  across  its  footprint  covering   and a key pay-TV neighborhood for Eastern
        ETL): Azam TV has completed the migration   Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi,  Kenya and   Africa  with some of the  fastest growth
        of  its  video  platform  from  the  EUTELSAT   Rwanda. Commenting on the deal, Patrice   rates in the region.” Jacob Joseph, Deputy
        7B to EUTELSAT 7C satellite, with a multi-  Paquot, Deputy  Regional  Vice President,   Chief  Executive  Officer  of  Azam  added:
        year extension of the existing contract and   Sub  Saharan  Africa  of  Eutelsat  said:  “We   “Every  Azam  TV  household  will  have  the
        an incremental capacity commitment. One   are honored to  continue  to  partner with   opportunity to enjoy a wide variety of
        of Africa’s leading pay-TV operators, Azam   Azam, one of our anchor customers at the   local and international programmes with
        will  leverage the enhanced  performance   7° East position as it successfully expands   excellent signal quality. We are delighted to
        of  Eutelsat  7  C  to  distribute  some  120   it  broadcast  offer.  7°  East  has  become  a   rely on Eutelsat to leverage the unparalleled
        channels  in a mix of standard and high   new DTH hotspot for Sub-Saharan Africa   reach of its 7° East position.”

                                              Facebook Sues App Developers for Data Misuse

        Facebook  initiated legal proceedings   companies  “by  paying  app  developers  to   lawsuit accuses Nikolay Holper of running
        against app developers  in the UK  and   install a malicious Software Development   Nakrutka, a service used to “distribute fake
        the US  for alleged  misuse of user data   Kit  (SDK)  in  their  apps”.  MobiBurn  was   likes, comments,  views and followers  on
        on its  main  platform and  account   collecting  information  including  users’   Instagram”  through  bots  and  automation
        infringements on its Instagram subsidiary.   name, gender  and email  addresses   software. The company said it previously
        In  a  statement,  director  of  Facebook’s   without compromising Facebook,  but by   cut off accounts  linked to Holper  and
        platform enforcement and litigation team   using  “the  malicious  SDK  on  the  users’   Nakrutka,  and issued a  cease and desist
        Jessica Romero explained  the company   devices  to  collect  information”,  Romero   letter.  Last  month,  Facebook  admitted
        was  suing  UK-based  MobiBurn,  and   noted. Facebook  claimed it  demanded   a  flaw  allowed around  5,000 third-party
        Oak  Smart Technology  and its founder   an audit after discovering  the issue with   app developers  to collect  personal  user
        Fatih  Haltas  for gathering  user data   the help of security  researchers,  but   information  after  authorized periods had
        from  Facebook  and other social  media   the defendants failed to comply.  Its  US   expired.

        Facebook Adds Cloud Gaming Feature to Its Platform

        Facebook Inc FB.O launched a free-to-play   "WWE  SuperCard"  without downloading   cloud-streamed games can be played on
        cloud gaming feature on its social media   them. "We're not  spinning  off a  separate   the platform's gaming tab or News Feed.
        platform, allowing users to  stream  and   cloud  gaming service," the company   Facebook's  gaming feature is  smaller in
        play games like "Asphalt 9: Legends" and   said in a  blog  here post,  adding that all   scale than  premium cloud-based game

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