Page 27 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 27


                                             Zain Crowned ‘Best Brand’ At 2020 Telecom World

                                             Middle East Awards For 7th Consecutive Year

        Zain, a  leading  mobile  telecom innovator
        in eight  markets across the Middle  East
        and  Africa,  has  been  awarded  the  ‘Best
        Brand’ accolade for 2020 at the prestigious
        Telecoms  World  Middle East  Awards for
        a  record seventh consecutive year.  This
        accolade was bestowed on Zain by a panel
        of expert judges assembled by Terrapinn,
        the organizers of the annual Telecoms
        World Middle East Conference and Awards
        held virtually last week in Dubai. The awards
        recognize outstanding performance in key
        telecom-related areas  across  the region
        and shine a  spotlight on leading players
        that have contributed to making the sector
        one of the most dynamic globally. Since the   positively impacting customer experience   that touches  upon  the most relevant
        introduction of its inspiring brand in 2007,   and brand recognition. Over the  past  12   issues in life in its television commercials.
        Zain has  been  the recipient  of numerous   months,  Zain has invested  approximately   The 2020  Zain  Ramadan  commercial
        brand-related awards over the years. This   US$1 billion in expanding, upgrading, and   immediately  amassed  significant  interest
        year’s  success  was  driven  by  numerous   rolling  out 4G and 5G networks  across   across  social media platforms,  with  the
        factors linked to the company’s COVID-19   its  footprint, successfully  rolling out 5G   2.35-minute-long  content  exceeding  34
        related  digital  innovation,  corporate  services in Kuwait, Saudi  Arabia, and   million views to date. The Zain Ramadan
        sustainability programs, and eye-catching   Bahrain.  Zain  recognizes  that  now  more   2020  Eid  commercial,  “Open  the  Doors”
        marketing  and social media campaigns   than ever, the entrepreneur  ecosystem   has garnered over 36  million  YouTube
        that have captured the imagination of the   needs to grow as the region requires the   views,  going  viral  along  the  way.  Both
        entire region. The Zain brand is valued at   economic  diversification  that  arises  from   commercials  aired to millions of viewers
        US$2.55 billion (up 9.9% over the previous   the ensuing  innovations.  Accordingly, the   on regional satellite and local TV networks
        year)  by  the  Brand  Finance  Middle  East   company  is  focused on numerous digital   across the MENA region. Zain has rolled out
        Top 50 Brands 2020 annual report, which   innovation and startup initiatives across   various initiatives, creating opportunities
        also recently noted  that Zain's brand   operations  and recently  opened  the Zain   for its people  and the communities  it
        rating is  AA.  This  remarkable valuation   Innovation Center (ZINC) in Kuwait, a co-  serves.  These  include  the  ‘Zain  Youth’
        and recognition  some 13  years after   working hub inspired by the success of a   (ZY) empowerment initiative that focuses
        the  brand’s  introduction  is  testament   similar  facility in Jordan. The innovation   on creative and unique  solutions in
        to  the investment Zain  has  made in  this   centers  offer numerous virtual services   recruiting  new talent to the organization
        area and more  importantly  the quality   during  COVID-19  social  distancing,  and ensuring  all employees  work toward
        mobile and data  services that  the brand   with  the facilities geared to encourage   delivering  the  company’s  strategy.  Zain’s
        represents. Since  March  2020, Zain has   young  minds to think and act creatively   ‘Gender Diversity and Inclusion’ initiatives
        been  on  a  mission-critical period as  all   in  an  open and  supportive  environment.   are improving the company’s culture in this
        Zain operations have been  focused  on   The  goal of these  centers  is to create a   regard, driving the Women Empowerment
        providing meaningful connectivity  during   conducive atmosphere for entrepreneurs   program,   for   example.   Zain’s   far-
        the  lockdown  to minimize the impact   to  generate  new  ideas  and develop them   sighted  Disability  Inclusion  initiative
        of the pandemic  on socio-economic   into viable opportunities. The  strength  of   ‘WE  ABLE’  looks  to  integrate  people  with
        development. At the same time, Zain has   the Zain brand  is further reflected  by its   disabilities within the company and create
        double  downed  on digital  transformation   growing  and loyal  social media audience   opportunities for them, Zain has set a goal
        to better serve businesses,  governments,   where Zain’s social media fans across its   to be Disability Inclusive by 2022.  These
        and   societies,  granting  increased  footprint count over 22 million, with Zain’s   activities have all contributed to the further
        digital access to essential medical,   Facebook counting 11.9 million followers;   reinforcement of the Zain brand’s promise
        commercial,  and  financial  services.  Zain   Twitter 7.2 million; Instagram 2.2 million;   and business ethos. The company aspires
        has  also focused  on enhancing its entire   and  LinkedIn  600,000.  Zain’s  YouTube   to unlock opportunities for customers and
        network to  offer the best technology   channels  rack up approximately 100   for the  communities  it serves,  remaining
        and digital services across its  countries   million views annually.  Every  Ramadan,   wholeheartedly committed to the region’s
        of operation,  developments  that  are   Zain seeks to present  a  new  message   economic and social prosperity.

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