Page 24 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 24


        Mobily Wins the "Best Digital Annual Report" Award In 2020

        The Middle East Investor Relations Association (MIRA) crowned   ceremony held by the association on this occasion. Mobily won
        Etihad Etisalat Mobily with the award for the best annual digital   the award in recognition of its commitment to implementing best
        report  in  the Middle East  for the year 2020  during  the virtual   reporting practices. The Director of Investor Relations Department
                                                               at  Mobily  ranked  among  the  five  best  investor  relations
                                                               practitioners in the Kingdom, while Mobily was also nominated
                                                               in the top ten for the award for the best annual printed report in
                                                               the Middle East. Mobily affirmed that it is harnessing its energies
                                                               to provide the best services to its shareholders and customers,
                                                               explaining  that  winning the award  for the best annual digital
                                                               report in the Middle East reflects its commitment to adopting and
                                                               implementing  the highest standards  of disclosure and quality
                                                               in terms of content and design. It is noteworthy that the annual
                                                               event held by  "Mira"  is  the largest for investor relations in the
                                                               region,  and witnesses  great competition  between  companies.
                                                               This year, this year provided a virtual platform for communication
                                                               between workers in the field to encourage discussions and mutual
                                                               dialogues  on the most important  market challenges  and best
                                                               investor relations practices, in addition to educating participants
                                                               and interested parties about the importance of investor relations,
                                                               rules of transparency and institutional governance.

        Mobily/ITC Consortium Kicks-Off 2030 Vision-Oriented SNFN Modernization
        Project with Huawei

        The Consortium of the main Saudi Telecom   stringent   Service   Level   Agreements
        carriers,  Etihad  Etisalat  (Mobily) and   (SLAs).  The  state-of-the-art  solution
        Integrated Telecom Company (ITC) signed   provided  by  Huawei  offers  the  first  end-
        the agreement of the Saudi National Fiber   to-end 120-channels in the region. Each
        Network (SNFN) modernization project   channel  carries  ultra-high  and evaluative
        with their partner Huawei. By building the   capacity from  200/400Gbps and above.
        first  5G  and  B2B-driven,  ultra-broadband   Furthermore,  the  Consortium’s  next-
        optical backbone network in the Middle   generation network will provide customers
        East,  the  SNFN  project will  contribute to   a  full  resilient, end-to-end  network with   Access  Product  Line,  adding  “the  Ultra  C
        the  end-to-end network  transformation   flexible and automatic service provisioning.   band  120-channels’  first  commercial  use
        and  agile  automation  strategy  as  part  of   “Flexible traffic adjustment and abundant   in the Middle East indicates that the WDM
        the 2030 Vision of the Kingdom of Saudi   protection SLAs offered by SNFN are very   backbone  network has  entered  into the
        Arabia. Already launched  in the  Kingdom   attractive to B2B scenarios and use-cases,   ultra-high-speed of 200G/400G era. In the
        of Saudi Arabia, 5G has started bringing an   which  really evolves Mobily/ITC Ultra-  future, we will keep on supporting Mobily/
        avalanche of new business opportunities.   Broadband  optical  backbone  network”   ITC  in coping  with  service challenges  in
        The SNFN Consortium, established in 2007   commented  Alaa Malki,  CTO  of Mobily.   the 5G era by improving transport network
        by  Mobily,  Bayanat  Al-Oula  and  ITC  to   “Massive  embedded  AI  monitoring  and   performance  to  provide the best  service
        become a main carrier in the Kingdom, has   proactive network health mechanisms will   experience  and achieve greater  business
        started modernizing its  entire  transport   help  reduce  the  long  time-to-market and   success." This agreement will strengthen
        network in order to become  the most   delivery time to a few seconds and improve   the  long-term  strategic  partnership
        competitive in the Saudi Market and to add   the service availability  and enhanced   between  Consortium  members  and
        more value to end-users. The new network   Customer  Experience,”  said  Ahmed  Al-  Huawei towards fulfilling the 2030 Vision
        shall  offer  comprehensive  features  Anqari, CTO of ITC. "Huawei has maintained   by  creating more success  stories in the
        to address the enormous  challenges   its technological innovation in the optical   region  and enriching  the digitalization of
        facing the emerging 5G era and the ever-  network  field,”  commented  Richard  Jin,   society.
        increasing  business  traffic  demand  with   President  of  Huawei  Transmission  &

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