Page 61 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
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        OneWeb Launches 36 Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite in Orbit

        The Low Earth Orbit (LEO)  satellite com-  “Once deployed, the OneWeb constellation   services. It  has  raised $2.7  billion since
        munications  company OneWeb backed   will enable user terminals that are capable   November  2020, with no  debt  issuance.
        by  India-based  Bharti  Enterprises has   of offering 3G, LTE, 5G and Wi-Fi coverage,   OneWeb Satellites, a joint venture between
        launched  36 satellites, bringing  the to-  providing high-speed access globally – by   OneWeb and Airbus Defence and Space, is
        tal in-orbit constellation to 358 satellites,   air, sea and land,”  Arianespace said in a   the constellation’s  prime contractor.  The
        the company said.  The satellites  were   statement. OneWeb aims  to reach global   satellites were built using its leading-edge
        launched  into orbit atop a  Russian-built   service by 2022 and is seeing growing de-  satellite manufacturing  process  that  can
        Soyuz rocket from the Vostochny  Cos-  mand from telecommunications providers,   build up to two satellites a day on a series
        modrome in a mission operated by French   ISPs, and governments worldwide to offer   production line dedicated to the assembly,
        company  Arianespace.  The  Liftoff oc-  its low-latency, high-speed  connectivity   integration, and testing of the satellites.
        curred at  5.40  a.m.  EDT  (3.10  p.m.  India
        time). OneWeb is also one of the founding
        members of the recently launched Indian
        Space  Association (ISpA). Rahul Vatts,
        Chief  Regulatory  Officer  Bharti  Airtel  and
        Director — OneWeb India is the Vice Chair-
        man of the ISpA. The London-based One-
        Web is building a constellation of 648 LEO
        satellites, which  will  deliver high-speed,
        low-latency global  connectivity.  The new
        mission had a total duration of three hours
        and  51  minutes  and included  nine sepa-
        rations  of four satellites  each, which will
        raise themselves to their operational orbit.

        FCC Reviewing Boeing LEO Satellite Application

        Aerospace  giant Boeing could  be the   to residential  consumers,  governmental   Subsequently, in April  this year, the  FCC
        next company to  launch and operate  a   and professional users across the United   voted to approve a SpaceX plan to deploy
        Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite broadband   States, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands’.   2,814  Starlink  satellites  at  a  lower  earth
        service, after the Federal Communications   Back in March 2018 the FCC granted Elon   orbit than planned;  the satellites will
        Commission  (FCC) belatedly  circulated   Musk-backed SpaceX the authority to   now operate in the  540km-570km range,
        the company’s 2017  application for   deploy  and operate a  non-geostationary   rather  than the  1,100km-1,300km range.
        vote last  week.  According to  Reuters,   orbit (NGSO) satellite system comprising   Interestingly, in 2019 SpaceX urged the FCC
        Boeing seeks to  launch and operate 147   4,425 satellites operating  in the Ku-  and   to reject Boeing’s plan saying it presented
        V-band satellites  to  provide ‘broadband   Ka-bands  for  the  provision  of  a  fixed-  a ‘clear danger of harmful interference’ to
        internet  and communications  services   satellite service (FSS) constellation.   other systems.

        SpaceX to Start Satellite Internet Service in Lithuania Next Year

        Elon Musk’s SpaceX  is expected to start   an  internet  speed  of at  least  100  Mbps.   expensive. [Starlink] technology is a great
        providing  high-speed  satellite internet   According to the company, Lithuania   alternative,” the minister added. Lithuania
        services to Lithuanian  consumers  in   will  be the easternmost country  where   aims to provide  an internet  speed  of at
        early 2022, according  to the Lithuanian   SpaceX  will launch  its services. “We aim   least 100 Mbps to all its residents by 2025.
        Transport  Ministry.  In  February, the   to create opportunities for residents  and   Starlink technology would allow achieving
        Lithuanian Transport and Communications   businesses in Lithuania to use innovative,   this goal much faster, Skuodis said.
        Minister Marius Skuodis met with SpaceX   state-of-the-art  technological  solutions.   Lithuania is able to provide new generation
        representatives to discuss satellite internet   We are glad that cooperation with SpaceX   internet, with speeds of 30 Mbs or more, to
        development  in  Lithuania.  Following the   will soon deliver results,” Skuodis said on   around  69  percent  of households,  below
        meeting, SpaceX established a subsidiary   Thursday.  “Building  terrestrial internet   the EU’s 86 percent average.
        Starlink Lithuania. Starlink is preparing 20   networks to reach even the most  remote
        satellites to fly over Lithuania, providing   corners  of the country would be  very
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