Page 59 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
P. 59


        SES Sets Up Satellite Quantum Communication R&D Lab

        European  satellite operator  SES has   research activities with SES, spearheading   as we are putting in place next-generation
        created a joint R&D lab with the University of   new  technologies  with  impact  on  space and ground systems to enable the
        Luxembourg’s  Interdisciplinary  Centre for   standardization,  satellite-terrestrial  growing connectivity demand in the high-
        Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) to look   integration, 5G and more. We are delighted   performance  networks,” said  Ruy Pinto,
        at the next generation of high-bandwidth   to  expand the collaboration and  broaden   Chief Technology Officer at SES. “Not only
        secure satellite systems with quantum   into new areas that will benefit information   do  the  R&D  activities  with  SnT  benefit
        communications. The agreement will use   and communication technologies both in   Luxembourg’s initiatives, this will also set
        Luxembourg’s  R&D and SES’s  industry   Luxembourg and beyond,” said Prof. Björn   the path for scaling them on a global level,
        expertise  to explore next-generation   Ottersten, Director of SnT. “This partnership   leveraging SES’s  multi-orbit capabilities
        technology  for high bandwidth satellite   extension comes at a very important time   and services delivered around the world.”
        systems and multi-orbit capabilities, such
        as SES’s Geostationary and Medium Earth
        (MEO)  orbit fleet. This will  also  give SES
        and SnT early access to Luxembourg’s
        MeluXina petascale supercomputer.  This
        will  be used  to test algorithms for radio
        resource allocation for broadband satellite
        communications systems to maximize the
        system performance  and to dynamically
        assign the  resources  based  on  user
        traffic  demands.  “The  past  11  years  has
        seen  us  achieve great success  in our

        SES Sends New Half-a-Billion Satellite into Space

        Luxembourg's  SES  sent its  biggest and   broadcasters  that currently provides  SES   connections  to  the Earth's  surface that
        most advanced satellite in the company's   with  the bulk of  its  income  slowly  fades.   are milliseconds  faster than the farther-
        history off into outer space on Sunday, it   The giant new satellite also is expected to   away SES-17 – will be integrated with their
        said,  after a  last-minute delay.  The SES-  be integrated with nearly a dozen new units   bigger cousin to reach similar customers.
        17  -  a  half-billion-euro investment that   below it, all orbiting Earth at about 8,000km.   These  include  cruise  and cargo ships
        will enable  passengers  and crews to use   The  first  handful  of  these  middle-Earth-  at sea; jets in the air; oil, gas and mining
        WiFi  aboard planes  - lifted  off from its   orbit craft are to be launched later this year   sites in remote  locations;  mobile  phone
        launch  pad in French  Guiana aboard an   and more in early 2022, SES said. These   network operators and military forces and
        Ariane 5 rocket. The flight for the satellite,   O3b mPower satellites – which  feature   government agencies, SES said.
        ordered in 2016, ran into a one-day delay
        due to additional ground checks, France's
        Arianespace  had  said  on Friday.  SES-17
        will now spend several months finding its
        permanent  slot  hovering 36,000  km  over
        the American continents,  the company
        said.  The satellite’s  main  mission will
        be to sell access to high-speed  Wi-Fi
        connections  for airline passengers and
        crews  while in  flight.  The spacecraft will
        cost Société  Européenne  des Satellites
        more than €500 million to build, launch and
        operate and marks  a  milestone  in  SES's
        bet of billions of euros on its future. Data
        network access to and from points around
        the world made up 41% of SES revenues in
        2020,  the company  reported in  February.
        The segment is expected to grow rapidly,
        at  the same time that money from TV
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