Page 133 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 133


                         The  government  of  Hong  Kong  has  awarded  5G   welcomes  the  government’s  decision  to  set  modest
                         spectrum licenses in the 3.5GHz band to the territory’s   reserve  and  round  prices  for  the  auction  to  facilitate
                         four  incumbent  cellcos.  The  auction  for  200MHz  of   the development of 5G in Hong Kong. We are pleased
                         frequencies raised a total of HKD1.006 billion (USD128   that,  as  a  result  of  rational  biddings,  HKT  is  able  to
                         million)  in  spectrum  utilization  fees  (SUFs).  China   obtain 50MHz of contiguous spectrum at a price that
                         Mobile  Hong  Kong  (CMHK)  paid  HKD300  million  for   is  beneficial  to  the  industry  as  well  as  the  mobile
                         60MHz of spectrum, while HKT and SmarTone offered   users. This reasonable SUF level represents additional
                         HKD252  million  each  for  50MHz,  and  Hutchison  3   incentives for the industry to invest in 5G development
                         won  40MHz with  a  bid  of  HKD202 million.  Spectrum   and promote the adoption of 5G by the public.’
                         will be handed over on 1 April 2020 and licenses are   (October 15, 2019)
                         valid for 15 years. In a press release HKT stated: ‘HKT

                         Following a ruling by India’s supreme court which upheld   India’s  Cabinet  has  approved  a  revival  package  for
                         a demand by the Department of Telecommunications   the country’s two ailing state-owned telcos – Bharat
                         (DoT), the nation’s mobile network operators (MNOs)   Sanchar  Nigam Limited (BSNL) and Mahanagar
                         will  be  required  to  pay  a  total  of  INR920  billion   Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) – which includes an
        India            (USD12.9 billion) in overdue levies and interest. With   INR150 million (USD2.1 billion) infusion via sovereign
                         MNOs in India required to pay the regulator between
                                                                        bonds, as well as a voluntary retirement scheme (VRS),
                         3%  and  5%  of  their  adjusted  gross  revenue  in  usage   the  allocation  of  4G  spectrum  and  a  merger  of  the
                         charges  for  frequencies,  plus  8%  of  AGR  (Adjusted   two  operators.  The  government  has  also  agreed  to
                         Gross Revenue) as license fees, the DoT and cellcos   an  INR380  billion  asset  monetization  scheme  over  a
                         have  been  at  odds  over  the  definition  of  AGR.  While   period of four years, while it was noted that LTE-suitable
                         operators are said to have argued that AGR comprise   frequencies will be allocated administratively at 2016
                         just revenue accrued from core services, the DoT for   prices. India’s telecom minister Ravi Shankar Prasad
                         its  part  has  claimed  it  should  include  all  revenue.  In   was cited as saying of the matter: ‘Neither BSNL and
                         the  wake  of  the  court  decision,  India’s  third  largest   MTNL are being closed, nor being disinvested nor hived
                         cellco by subscribers, Bharti Airtel, put out a statement   off  by  the  third  party,  but  the  government  wants  to
                         noting:  ‘This  decision  has  come  at  a  time  when  the   make them professional.’ It is understood that MTNL,
                         [telecoms]  sector  is  facing  severe  financial  stress   which  operates  in  Delhi  and  Mumbai,  will  initially
                         and may further weaken the viability of the sector as   become a subsidiary of BSNL until such time as both
                         a  whole.’  Meanwhile,  the  Reuters  report  also  cites   of the companies are fully merged, with the minister
                         mobile  market  leader  Vodafone  Idea  as  arguing  that   specifically confirming: ‘MTNL will act as a subsidiary
                         the  court’s  determination  was  damaging  for  India’s   of BSNL.’
                         telecom  industry,  with  it  saying:  ‘Today’s  order  has   (October 24, 2019) The Economic Times
                         huge  impact  on  two  private  operators  while  most  of
                         the other impacted operators have exited the sector.’
                         (October 25, 2019)

                          Government adviser Pierre Goerens has revealed in an   Goerens confirmed an auction now looks the most likely
                          interview  with  Luxemburger  Wort  that  the  country’s   method for awarding spectrum in 2020, especially as
                          5G spectrum allocation will not be completed by the   a ‘beauty contest’ process resulted in a legal dispute
                          end of this year as originally planned, following higher-  when previously used to award 3G spectrum in 2006.
        Luxembourg        than-expected demand from potential candidates for   (October 22, 2019)
                          frequencies  in  the  700MHz  and  3.6GHz  bands.  Mr.

                          The  National  Regulatory  Agency  for  Electronic   provider  of  mobile  services  in  the  breakaway  region
                          Communications   and   Information   Technology   of  Transnistria  (also  known  as  Trans-Dniester.  In  a
                          (Agentia  Nationala  pentru  Reglementare  in  White Paper criticizing the plans, Orange Moldova and
                          Comunicatii  Electronice  si  Tehnologia  Informatiei,   Moldcell revealed that an amendment to the Electronic
        Moldova           ANRCETI) is planning to issue an operating license to   Communications  Act  had  been  drafted  to  empower
                          Sheriff  Corporation’s  InterDnestrCom  (IDC),  the  sole   ANRCETI to reduce the area of coverage for the 15-year

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