Page 130 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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                         •  Launch of electronic auction: April 2020    Further,  newcomer(s)  will  be  allowed  to  compete  for
                         •  Issue  of  the  decision  on  the  allocation  of  radio   another 5MHz, but if none of the new entrants in the
                            frequencies: July 2020.                     first auction round show interest in this reserved block,
                         The schedule is, however, only indicative and therefore   it will open it up and offer it to all auction participants.
                         subject to change. In June this year the CTU published   Concurrently, in the 3.5GHz band the CTU says it will
                         the  draft  plan  of  the  5G  auction,  whose  terms  and   set ‘a new spectral limit for the new operator compared
                         conditions are based on previously published principles   to  the  existing  operators’.  Additional  Ts&Cs  include
                         which  the  regulator  has  documented  over  the  past   the rule that  any  existing operators participating in
                         year in its efforts to maximize the transparency of the   the  700MHz  band  auction  will  assume  a  national
                         selection  process.  The  regulator  notes  that,  in  order   roaming commitment (valid for six years), and what the
                         to  fulfil  one  of  the  main  objectives  of  the  auction  –   watchdog terms ‘development criteria that ensure that
                         which  is  to  deepen  competition  on  the  electronic   frequencies are handled efficiently’.
                         communications market – it is reserving a 2×10MHz   (October 18, 2019)
                         block  of  spectrum  at  700MHz  for  a  new  operator(s).

                         Ethiopia  could  have  no  fewer  than  three  telecoms   knowledge of the process. The issuing of licenses will
                         operators active as early as April 2020, if the current   end a state monopoly and open up one of the world’s
                         plans  to  liberalize  the  telecoms  sector  are  realized.   last  major  closed  telecoms  markets  in  the  country
                         With  a  view  to  preparing  for  market  liberalization,   of  around  100  million.  Prime  Minister  Abiy  Ahmed
        Ethiopia         the  country’s  new  telecoms  regulator,  the  Ethiopian   launched  a  push  to  liberalize  the  country’s  economy
                         Communications Authority (ECA), is reported to have   last year. The communications regulator, formed after
                         launched  a  public  consultation  process  ahead  of   parliament  passed  a  law  covering  the  liberalization
                         issuing  any  new  concessions.  It  is  understood  that   of  the  sector,  will  hold  a  meeting  on  Nov.  12  in  the
                         the  ECA  aims  to  gather  feedback  from  interested   Ethiopian  capital  to  answer  questions  of  interested
                         parties regarding the proposed legal framework which   companies,  Balcha  said.  Vodafone,  South  African
                         would  pave  the  way  for  the  entrance  of  two  new   operator  MTN,  France’s  Orange  and  Etisalat  of  the
                         telecoms  providers,  with  a  deadline  for  submissions   United Arab Emirates are likely to be among the leading
                         of 22 November having been set. Meanwhile, Reuters   contenders vying for entry into the Ethiopian market.
                         reports that the ECA will hold a meeting in Addis Ababa   (October 22, 2019)
                         on  12  November  to  answer  questions  regarding  its
                         liberalization plans from interested parties. Should the   The Ethiopian government could cede majority control
                         regulator stick to its proposed timetable, it expects to   of  its  telecoms  monopoly  once  it  has  completed  an
                         issue licenses in March 2020, with ECA director general   initial  phase  of  privatization  in  2020.  In  an  interview
                         Balcha  Reba  cited  as  saying  at  a  press  briefing:  ‘We   Balcha  Reba,  Director  General  at  the  Ethiopian
                         expect  the country to have three telecom  operators   Communications  Authority, said  the government
                         starting  from  April.’  Earlier  this  year,  in  June  2019   could  release  additional  shares  after  concluding  a
                         the  Ethiopian  parliament  approved  the  ‘Proclamation   sale  of  a  49  per  cent  stake  in  the  operator,  which  is
                         for the Regulation of Communications Services’, new   expected to happen in 2020. However, Reba added the
                         legislation which underpins the planned liberalization   market would have to become more competitive and
                         of  the  country’s  telecoms  sector  –  which  currently   mature before an additional sale could be considered.
                         remains  a  monopoly  of  Ethio  Telecom  –  and  also   Ethiopia’s telecoms  sector  is set to undergo  a major
                         allowed  for  the  establishment  of  the  independent   shake-up  in  2020.  On  top  of  the  privatization  plan,
                         regulatory  body,  the  ECA,  which  was  subsequently   the  government  will  also  split  the  operator  into  two
                         created in September 2019. (October 24, 2019) Addis Fortune  businesses,  separating  services  and  retail  from  its
                                                                        mobile  and  fixed  network  infrastructure  assets.  The
                         Ethiopia  plans  to  award  two  telecoms  licenses  to   country is also set to break Ethio Telecom’s monopoly
                         multinational  mobile  companies  by  April  2020,  the   by  issuing  two  mobile  operating  licenses  in  March
                         new  communications  regulator  said  on  Tuesday,  an   2020. In the interview, Reba indicated the market could
                         apparent delay in the timeline officials had previously   be opened up further, with the sale of more licenses in
                         set.  Balcha  Reba,  director  general  of  the  Ethiopian   the long-term. This is likely welcome news for Orange,
                         Communications  Authority, gave the date at  a  press   Vodacom and MTN, which have all indicated they would
                         conference.  In  June,  Reuters  reported  that  Ethiopia   be interested in entering Ethiopia, one of the last major
                         would issue the licenses by the end of the year, quoting   markets on the continent that is currently closed off to
                         Ethiopian officials and telecoms executives with direct   international operators. (October 10, 2019) Bloomberg

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