Page 124 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 124


        people, foreign intelligence and terrorist organizations. ” Turhan   Serbia has signed a memorandum of understanding between the
        pointed out that as the cyber world becomes more complex, op-  Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal
        ponents become more complex. In fact, it is no secret that there   Services  and  the  Information  and  Communications  Authority.
        are more organized attacks than personal attacks. Organized cy-  During the visit of President to Serbia, a consensus was reached
        ber pirates have emerged now. Unfortunately, these groups can   in Belgrade to further strengthen the existing cooperation in the
        attack the cyber infrastructure of state institutions and interfere   field of electronic communication and postal services between the
        with the private information of ordinary people. The problem has   Information and Communication Technologies Authority and its
        grown a lot with the introduction of quantum computers into our   counterpart in Serbia, the Electronic Communications and Postal
        lives. For this reason, the spread of quantum resistant cryptology   Services Regulatory Authority (RATEL). The existing memorandum
        algorithms and studies in our country is of great importance. Be-  of  understanding  signed  between  the  two  institutions  in  2013
        cause, in terms of providing cyber security, full security cannot be   in  Istanbul  was  reviewed  and  revised  according  to  changing
        mentioned without “Domestic and National” products and solu-  conditions.  The  text,  which  was  updated  to  reflect  the  latest
        tions. We should not only follow the requirements of the age, but   developments,  was  signed  by  BTM  President  Ömer  Abdullah
        also take a step ahead and take precautions against threats. Be-  Karagözoğlu and RATEL Chairman Dragan Kovačevıć. The areas
        cause when the confidentiality, integrity or accessibility of the in-  of cooperation in the Memorandum of Understanding; regulation
        formation is impaired; loss of life, large-scale economic damage,   of  electronic  communications  markets,  information  technology
        national security deficits or public order may be caused. We will   and applications, regulation of postal services, and other issues
        not give up the use of information technologies in the presence   to  be  agreed  upon.  Within  these  areas,  sharing  of  information,
        of cyber pirates, he said. Deputy Minister Omar Fatih Sayan also   documents, experience and experts between the two institutions,
        made a speech. From artificial intelligence to profound learning,   consultation  on  various  issues  and  joint  workshops,  seminars,
        from  web  technologies  to  virtual  reality,  from  machine  learning   study visits are planned. The memorandum of understanding is
        to the internet of objects, from information security to cyber se-  an  indication  of  the  deepening  of  the  cooperation  between  the
        curity, voicing advances in many areas, Sayan said: As a country   two countries in the field of electronic communication and postal
        that is aware of this fact, we are confidently and firmly focusing   services and the intention of the parties to improve their existing
        our  investments  on  information  and  communication  technolo-  friendship relations. It is also foreseen that the relations between
        gies “. Sayan pointed out the importance of recent developments   BTK and RATEL, which are already on the basis of mutual benefit,
        in terms of showing what “domestic and national” technologies   will gain momentum and be placed on a more solid ground.
        mean. Deputy Minister Sayan invited the participants to work in   (October 9, 2019)
        the field of domestic and national technology in all areas of life.
        (October 16, 2019)

                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        An  interactive  workshop  on  bridging  the  standardization  gap,   tiatives, to enhance the work of this vital sector in all societies
        hosted by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) in   and contribute to the achievement of SDGs launched by the UN
        Dubai, has been concluded today. The workshop aimed to inform   ‘Leaving no one behind’.” H.E. Al Mesmar assured that the im-
        the  participants  of  best  practices  in  contributing  to  the  global   portance of this workshop comes from the importance of the role
        standard-setting process of the International Telecommunication   of the ICT sector in achieving a decent life for people. He added:
        Union (ITU) and provide in-depth guidance that will have a pos-  “The development and progress of countries today depend largely
        itive impact on the development of the telecommunication sec-  on the development of the ICT sector, as every industrial, com-
        tors in less developed countries. Over a period of two days, TRA   mercial and educational renaissance depends on the existence of
        hosted 30 guests from 15 developing countries in the ICT sector.   a modern communications infrastructure that can accommodate
        During the workshop, an international ITU expert explained the   smart services, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Artificial Intelligence
        differences in the capacity of developing countries compared to   and smart education. This requires countries to identify and de-
        developed countries, in terms of access to international ICT stan-  velop their true potential if they wish to keep abreast of devel-
        dards, and the ITU recommendations in this regard. Commenting   opments and take advantage of modern technologies, which can
        on this workshop, H.E. Majed Al Mesmar, Acting Director Gener-  be achieved through consultation and sharing experiences.” The
        al of TRA, said: “Bridging the standardization gap is the theme   workshop  participants  learned  about  the  comprehensive  stan-
        of the ITU for this year, with the aim of understanding key gaps   dard-setting approach within ITU-T, how to submit written contri-
        that need to be overcome to improve developing countries’ stan-  butions independently to the ITU-T study groups, and gained the
        dards development, implementation and use capabilities, and to   ability to understand the standardization process and the impor-
        increase the capacity of developing countries in ICT standardiza-  tance of Plenipotentiary Conference Resolution no. 123 and World
        tion and contribute to the achievement of sustainable develop-  Telecommunication Standardization Assembly Resolution no. 44
        ment goals. At TRA, we are always keen to support all ITU ini-  on “Bridging the standardization gap between developing and de-

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