Page 119 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 119


        during a program titled “Seminar on 5G in Bangladesh” held at   BTRC Chairman Md Jahurul Haque was quoted as saying: ‘The
        Institution  of  Engineers,  Bangladesh  (IEB)  at  Dhaka’s  Ramna.   government might be considering giving a waiver on late fees for
        Posts and Telecommunication Minister Mustafa Jabbar, who was   a swift resolution … We still stand by the audit findings, but the
        present at the program, said 5G and fourth industrial revolution   government has the final say.’ The impasse between the regulator
        are interrelated. “5G is not only related with telecom services, it   and the two cellcos – which vehemently dispute the audit claims
        will also help boost digitization and automation in every sector.” A   – prompted Bangladeshi Finance Minister Mustafa Kamal to step
        committee formed by BTRC is already working to make a guideline   in as a mediator last month; the official said at the time: ‘If we
        on 5G which will be available from the first quarter of next year, the   continue with our claims, a resolution will take a long time and
        Minister added. BTRC Chairman Md. Jahurul Haque also spoke   that will hamper the mobile operators’ business and restrict our
        during the program. The government introduced 4G services in   revenue growth too.’ Due to the impasse with the BTRC, the two
        2018 and 3G in 2013. (October 16, 2019)  operators  are  currently  banned  from  getting  approvals  for  new
                                                               services and packages and cannot import equipment to maintain
        The  Bangladeshi  government  is  reportedly  considering  waiving   their networks. In July 2019 the BTRC slashed GP’s bandwidth
        GrameenPhone (GP) and Robi’s late fees, which amount to nearly   by  30%  and  Robi’s  by  15%  for  the  non-payment  of  the  dues,
        a  half  of  the  BDT134.5  billion  (USD1.56  billion)  claimed  by  the   but  the  block  was  lifted  by  mid-July  as  it  was  causing  issues
        Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC)   to  subscribers.  Further,  the  BTRC  threatened  GP  and  Robi  with
        as  unpaid  dues  in  its  2019  audit.  According  to  the  country’s   cancellations of their 2G/3G concessions if the requested sums
        legislation, a 15% compound rate is applied on late fees; of the   were  not  settled,  prompting  GP  and  Robi  to  file  cases  with  a
        BDT125.8 billion owed by GP, BDT61.9 billion is late fees, while   Dhaka court, seeking permanent injunctions against the telecom
        Robi’s BDT8.7 billion dues comprise BDT1.7 billion of late fees.   regulator’s audit claims. (October 3, 2019) The Daily Star


        The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology said   three  percent,  commercial  landlines  at  12  percent,  and  home
        in a report that the number of mobile subscribers increased to 94   landlines at 85 percent. The number of telecommunications and
        million, while the number of mobile internet subscribers reached   information  technology  companies  reached  456  from  January
        38.79  million  in  June  2019  compared  to  38.60  million  in  May   until March, compared to 357 companies during the same period
        2019 and 34.27 million in June 2018. The ministry added that the   in  2018.  In  2015,  the  number  of  mobile  subscribers  increased
        number of ADSL subscribers declined to 6.88 million in June 2019   by 214.37 percent from 30.3 million at the end of 2007 to 94.59
        compared to 6.91 subscribers in May 2019. The number of ADSL   million in October 2014, driven by the growth of low cost pre-paid
        subscribers was 5.82 million in June 2018. The number of landline   subscriptions. The number of Internet subscribers rose by 375.75
        subscribers declined to 8.21 million in June 2019, compared to   percent in October of 2014 to 46.96 million from 9.87 million at
        7.40  million  in  June  2018,  with  the  ministry  clarifying  that  the   the end of 2007.
        number  of  governmental  landline  subscribers  is  estimated  at   (October 14, 2019)


        The  expansion  of  communication  services  and  promotion  of   in the country. The mobile internet penetration rate is lower and
        telecom infrastructure investment have been high on President   stands at 78.14%. About two years ago, the rates stood at 53.53%
        Hassan Rouhani’s agenda since he took office for the first time in   and 41.72% respectively. Iran has over 64 million mobile internet
        2013. Data released by the Communications Regulatory Authority   subscribers, in addition to the registration of 10.3 million landline
        of Iran show that the sector has observed significant growth over   internet subscriptions.
        the past few years. Internet penetration rate has reached 90.78%   (October 7, 2019)

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