Page 62 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
P. 62



        ICT Talent is Key to Building a New Era in Science and


           Today, the  Middle  East  is  in  the  midst
           of  a new  era; from smart cities  to  space
           exploration,  the  region  is  on  a  clear

           path  towards  harnessing  the  full  value
           of  technology  to  benefit  communities,
           industries, and economies alike.

        The  Arab  world  is  responsible  for  some  of  the  greatest
        breakthroughs in science and technology that have shaped our
        world as we know it. Arab scientists advanced the fields of algebra,
        calculus, geometry, chemistry, biology, medicine and astronomy,
        forming the basis of modern medicine and computing, amongst
        many  other  disciplines.  This  new  era  of  discovery  was  one  in
        which people were open-minded to collaboration and exploration
        in ways that would allow innovation to flourish. Today, the Middle
        East  is  in  the  midst  of  a  new  era;  from  smart  cities  to  space
        exploration, the region is on a clear path towards harnessing the
        full value of technology to benefit communities, industries, and
        economies alike.

        This  second  era  is  being  driven  by  governments’  futuristic
        plans  and  visions  that  adopt  technology,  such  as  5G,  artificial
        intelligence (AI), and cloud computing, as the basis for sustainable
        socio-economic development. By leveraging the power of these
        advanced technologies, Middle Eastern cities can well and truly   Li Xiangyu (Spacelee)
        enter into a more connected, digitally-enabled future.  VP of Public Affairs and Communications
                                                                Huawei Middle East
        Developing  the  digital  economy  is  a  key  component  of  this
        transition, as  it  will  be a  key  contributor  to  socio-economic
        development,  something  that  governments  across  the  Middle
        East are becoming increasingly aware of. Adequate information
        and communications technology (ICT) talent is required to realize
        these  digitalization  ambitions.  Talent  is,  therefore,  the  enabling
        factor in digital transformation.

                                                                                                    62  NOVEMBER 2020
   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67