Page 59 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
P. 59


        China Launches New Mobile Telecommunication Satellite

                                                               China  successfully  launched  a  new  mobile  telecommunication
                                                               satellite from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest
                                                               China's Sichuan Province on Thursday. The Tiantong 1-02 satellite
                                                               was launched at 23:59 (Beijing Time) by a Long March-3B carrier
                                                               rocket.  Tiantong-1  is  a  satellite  mobile  communication  system
                                                               independently developed and built by China. It consists of a space
                                                               segment, ground segment, and user terminal. Developed by the
                                                               China Academy of Space Technology, the Tiantong 1-02 satellite
                                                               will establish a mobile network with ground facilities to provide
                                                               all-weather,  all-time,  stable  and  reliable  mobile  communication
                                                               services  such  as  voice,  short  message  and  data  for  users  in
                                                               China and its surrounding areas, the Middle East, Africa and other
                                                               related regions, as well as most sea areas in the Pacific Ocean
                                                               and Indian Ocean. This launch was the 352nd by the Long March
                                                               rocket series.

        Satcoms Agreement Boosts Rural Internet in Senegal

        Senegal’s  postal  authority  has  signed  an   VSAT sites to its hub in Dakar. Spacecom   service  architecture  flexibility  and  higher
        agreement  with  satellite  communication   says it will be providing La Poste with over   throughput  at  reduced  operational  costs,
        service  provider  Spacecom.  The  deal  will   double its current capacity, which will not   says Spacecom. La Poste has deployed its
        help the public company in charge of postal   only serve its 200 remote post offices but   own satellite network all over Senegal, with
        services  in  Senegal  to  provide  internet   will also give the country’s rural population   200 remote sites operating with Eutelsat in
        services to the country’s rural population.   access  to  internet  services  and  allow   Ku-Band from 2007. La Poste now plans
        This is a multi-year contract with La Poste,   La  Poste  to  provide  additional  services   to increase the number of its remote sites
        the Senegalese Post Authority, as part of   and applications to its rural customers   and  will  provide  additional  applications
        which  Spacecom  will  migrate  La  Poste   throughout  the  country.  Spacecom’s   and  content  to  the  rural  population  in
        from  its  current  satellite  provider  to  the   AMOS-17  fully  digital  and  advanced   Senegal  directly  from  post  offices.  A
        AMOS-17 satellite but will utilize La Poste’s   high  throughput  satellite  (HTS)  supports   number of other satellite projects relating
        existing  VSAT  equipment.  The  network   a  variety  of  broadcast,  broadband  and   to  internet  connectivity  are  said  to  be
        communication will be via the AMOS-17’s   data  services  from  its  17˚E  orbital  slot.   under consideration by La Poste.
        Ku band beam and will connect La Poste’s   The  satellite’s  capabilities  allow  maximal

        Ovzon Introduces Ovzon Go Satellite
        Internet at Up To 10 Mbps

        Swedish company Ovzon has announced the introduction of Ovzon
        Go, a satellite service providing flexible and fast internet using the
        smallest terminals. Its packaged service plans offer on-the-move
        and on-the-pause terminals, including the new Ovzon T6. Ovzon
        Go supplies up to 10 Mbps for transmission and reception, based
        on Ovzon’s regional satellite capacity. Ovzon said that Ovzon Go
        complements the Ovzon Hero, which it described as an advanced,
        tailored, high-performance service aimed at the most demanding
        customers  on  critical  missions.  Ovzon  Her  provides  service
        exceeding 50 Mbps for transmission and reception using laptop-
        sized portable terminals. The Hero service is based on Ovzon’s
        global satellite capacity including steerable high-power beams.

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