Page 34 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
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        Huawei Launches 5G Microwave Long-Reach E-Band Solution to Scale Up
        5G Deployment

        As 5G deployment scales up, its networks will be deployed in an   E-band  in  the  industry.  However,  the  transmission  distance  is
        increasing number of areas. At the 2020 Global Mobile Broadband   too  short  to  support  scaled  deployment  of  5G.  The  innovative
        Forum (MBBF 2020), Huawei unveiled an innovative 5G microwave   IBT intelligent beam tracking antenna is the industry's first ever
        long-Reach  E-band  solution  that  combines  intelligent  beam   active microwave antenna. It leverages intelligent algorithms to
        tracking (IBT) antenna with high-power E-band. This combination   maintain  the  stability  of  beams,  thereby  significantly  reducing
        increases the distance of E-band transmission from 3 km to 5 km   the requirements of E-band deployment on tower stability. This
        while providing a 20 Gb/s capacity and loosening the requirements   further breaks through the limits of setting up E-band antennas
        of site deployment, which further accelerates the deployment of   with  a  larger  diameter,  enabling  deployment  of  both  0.6-  and
        5G. E-band is a major solution of 5G's microwave transmission.   0.9-meter  E-band  antennas.  In  addition,  this  innovation  allows
        The band is in the range of 80 GHz radio frequencies and provides   the transmit power to increase by 6 dB for E-band signals. With
        a high bandwidth as high as 20 Gb/s. High-frequency spectrum   these  two  improvements,  the  E-band  transmission  distance  is
        requires small beam angles, which require a higher tower stability   increased  by  more  than  50%,  reaching  5  km,  while  providing  a
        to  deploy  larger-diameter  antennas.  Due  to  this  requirement,   20  Gb/s  capacity.  This  level  of  performance  can  fully  meet  the
        antennas  with a 0.3 m diameter are  mainly used  to  deploy the   deployment requirements in urban areas. At aggregation sites, the
                                                               number  of directions continuously  increases, requiring  network
                                                               carriers to provide an increasing amount of spectrum resources.
                                                               The SuperHUB solution improves the spectral efficiency by 2 to
                                                               3  times  in  multi-direction  use  cases.  The  number  of  directions
                                                               within a 360° range for multiplexing a single frequency is increased
                                                               from 4 to 12 on the 6–42 GHz bands and 12 to 24 on E-band.
                                                               Alongside improving spectral efficiency, this enables carriers to
                                                               increase the density of deployment at reduced costs. Huawei 5G
                                                               microwave  will  continue  to  make  breakthroughs  in  increasing
                                                               transmission distance, spectral efficiency, and site deployment to
                                                               facilitate the deployment of 5G. We will also continue to provide
                                                               ultra-broadband,  simplified,  and  easy-to-deploy  5G  microwave
                                                               transport solutions to accelerate the construction of 5G networks

                                             Nexign Introduces Instant BSS Solution to Speed

                                             Up the Launch of New Mobile Businesses

        Nexign  a  leading  Business  Support   quick start  of mobile  telecoms  business   and  accelerate  business  growth,”  said
        System (BSS) and Internet of Things (IoT)   and  providing  CSPs  with  an  opportunity   Andrey  Gulidin,  Chief  Commercial  Officer
        solutions  provider,  announced  that  it  has   to grow with strong foundation for further   of Nexign. Nexign Instant BSS significantly
        expanded its product portfolio with a new   expansion.  “Nexign  Instant  BSS  allows   reduces  the  decision-making  process  by
        solution-driven  business  model  -  Nexign   mid-sized  CSPs  and  MVNO  to  rapidly   providing CSPs with a clear understanding
        Instant  BSS.  It  is  a  well-defined  pre-  launch mobile services without escalating   of  the  project  scope  and  calendar.
        integrated  package  incorporating  a  BSS   complexity  of  BSS  systems,  enabling   Apart  from  technological  capabilities,
        stack  covering  mobile  prepaid  services   operators to add extra functionality for the   Nexign  customers  get  access  to  a
        and the best practices of project delivery   evolving business. The solution is build on   comprehensive knowledge base, including
        and  support.  This  solution  enables  CSPs   the  basis  of  Nexign’s  28  year-experience   the  methodology  for  transparent  project
        to speed up  decision-making process   in transformation projects of different size   management and the options for solution
        and  start  new  business  in  four  months.   and complexity. While CSPs often have to   extension. This enables fast and efficient
        Nexign  Instant  BSS  solution  is  designed   choose between full-scale transformation   project execution, helping CSPs to achieve
        to respond to the rapidly changing market   and quick start, we are ready to share our   true  ownership  of  the  product,  avoid
        requirements  with  a  light-weight,  easily   best practices with the customers to help   vendor  lock-in  and  enrich  the  solution
        extendable  billing solution enabling a   them  simplify  project  implementation   according to their needs. “Nexign’s Instant

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