Page 30 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
P. 30


                                             China Mobile Inks Pact with State Construction

                                             Firm; 5G Base Stations Hit 385,000

        China  Mobile  has  signed  a  strategic   385,000  5G  base  stations  nationwide,   130 million 5G package subscribers, whilst
        cooperation agreement with the China State   covering  all  prefecture-level  cities.  The   the number of connected 5G terminals was
        Construction  Engineering  Corporation  operator  also  claimed  to  have  more  than   over 90 million.
        (CSCEC) to ‘enhance the complementarity
        of  resources,  technologies  and  markets’,
        Xinhua  News  Agency  reports.  Under  the
        agreement the two will continue to integrate
        5G  technology  into  the  construction
        sector,  with  a  view  to  accelerating
        innovation  and  development  in  both  the
        telecommunications  and construction
        sectors.  The  CSCEC  has  previously
        partnered  with  other  cellcos,  and  in  May
        2020 it established a construction ‘smart
        site’  in  partnership  with  China  Unicom,
        using  a  5G  network  to  connect  people,
        equipment and processes on the project.
        Meanwhile,  the  development  follows  on
        the heels of China Mobile’s announcement
        this  week  that  it  has  built  more  than

                                             The Michigan Moonshot Partners with Toyota and
                                             Cisco to Expand Wi-Fi Access in Detroit, Inkster,
                                             Flint and Washtenaw County, Michigan

        Residents  of Detroit,  Inkster,  Flint  and   internet  for basic informational needs   Toyota  Motor  North  America.  Beyond
        Washtenaw County will soon benefit from   tied  to  living,  learning  and  working,”  said   Washtenaw  County  where  Toyota  has  its
        expanded free Wi-Fi access at more than 50   Charlotte  Bewersdorff,  Merit  Network’s   North American research and development
        community locations across S.E. Michigan.   vice president for Community Engagement.   headquarters, the Toyota USA Foundation
        The effort, part of Merit Network’s Michigan   The  grants  address  the  digital  divide  by   provided grants to help address the digital
        Moonshot   initiative,   was   supported   providing  community  organizations  with
        by  contributions  from  the  Toyota  USA   the  technological  ability  to  extend  their
        Foundation   and   Cisco.   Washtenaw   existing internet connectivity through Wi-Fi
        Intermediate  School  District  and  Merit   networks which are accessible outside the
        Network provided in-kind contributions for   buildings. Detroit Public Library will extend
        the project. According to the U.S. Census   their  Wi-Fi  network  beyond  the  walls  of
        Bureau,  Detroit  Public  Schools  has  the   nine select sites, during normal business
        highest  number  of  households  in  the   hours.  Washtenaw  Intermediate  School
        state  without  internet  access  at  82,894.   District is coordinating 30 different access
        The  Flint  School  District  has  the  second   points  at  area  schools  and  community
        highest  number  with  14,221  households   partners across the county. “As COVID-19
        without  internet  access.  In  addition,  57%   continues to spread throughout our nation,
        of  K-12  students  in  Washtenaw  County   Toyota is proud to partner with Michigan
        do  not  have  high  speed  Wi-Fi  access  at   Moonshot  and  Cisco  to  expand  free  Wi-
        home. “For thousands of students across   Fi  to  Southeast  Michigan  area  schools,
        the  state  of  Michigan,  the  pandemic  has   libraries   and   community   gathering
        introduced new challenges or highlighted   locations to provide an immediate solution
        existing ones. We expect this to help both   to this urgent issue of access,” said Chris
        rural  and  urban  communities  access  the   Reynolds,  chief  administrative  officer,

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