Page 2 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
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NOV-DEC, VOLUME 13, 2022

               SAMENA                    Contributing Editors   Knowledge Contributions     Subscriptions
                                         Izhar Ahmad
               TRENDS                    Javaid Akhtar Malik    Kearney                     Advertising
                                                                Tech Mahindra     
                Editor-in-Chief                                 Publisher                   SAMENA TRENDS
                Bocar A. BA                                     SAMENA Telecommunications
                                                                Council                     Tel: +971.4.364.2700


                                                 04  EDITORIAL                         FEATURED
                                                 17  REGIONAL & MEMBERS UPDATES
                                                         Members News
                                                         Regional News

                                                 63  CONNECTIVITY UPDATES
                                                         Satellite News

                                                 68  WHOLESALE UPDATES
                                                         Wholesale News
                                                                                           stc Strives Forward in Driving
                                                 74  TECHNOLOGY UPDATES                    Digital Transformation in the
                                                         Technology News                   Region
       The  SAMENA TRENDS eMagazine  is wholly                                             SAMENA COUNCIL ACTIVITY
       owned and operated by the SAMENA  Teleco-  82  REGULATORY & POLICY UPDATES          At the 1st Annual Meeting
       mmunications  Council (SAMENA Council).          Regulatory News                05
       Information in the TRENDS is  not intended                                          of the ITU’s Partner2Connect
       to serve  as a professional services advice.     A Snapshot of Regulatory            Digital Coalition, SAMENA
       Articles and information contained in this       Activities in the SAMENA Region    Telecommunications Council
       publication are  the property  of  SAMENA                                           Presses Upon Intensified
       Council (unless  otherwise noted, described      Regulatory Activities
       or stated) and cannot be reproduced, copied      Beyond the SAMENA Region           Global Collaboration...
       or printed in any form without  the express
       written permission of the publisher.     ARTICLES                               06  SAMENA Council Advocates
                                                                                           Enablement of Sustainable
       DISCLAIMER: The SAMENA Council also does   52                                       ICT Environment to Overcome
       not necessarily endorse, support,  sanction,   Avaya’s Environmental, Social, And   Sustainability and Climate-
       encourage, verify or agree with the content,   Governance Strategy — Creating
       comments, opinions or  statements made  in                                          Action Challenges
       the SAMENA TRENDS by any entity or entities   Better Experiences Worldwide      09
       or persons. Information, products, or services   59
       promoted in the TRENDS by other than the
       SAMENA Council belong to their  respective   5G Roaming: Key Elements for a
       entity or entities and are  not representative   Successful Launch
       of the SAMENA Council. The SAMENA Council
       hereby  expressly disclaims  any and all   65
       warranties, expressed and implied, including   Saudi Arabia: Success Factors and
       but not limited to any warranties of accuracy,   Advancements Towards Becoming the
       reliability,  merchantability  or  fitness  for  a   Leading Regional Technology Hub
       particular  purpose by any entity or entities
       offering  information,  products  and  services   80
       in this eMagazine. The user agrees that The   Digitalization and Sustainability     SAMENA Council, in Strategic
       SAMENA Council is not responsible, and shall                                        Collaboration with the ITU,
       have no liability to such user, with respect to        to Revolutionize Telecom Energy   Saudi CST Commission, and
       any information, product or service offered by   Management                         Leading Telecom Operators, to
       any entity or entities mentioned or advertised
       in this publication.  The SAMENA Council’s                                          Hold the Industry's First “RISE”
       only liability, in the event of errors, shall be                                    Conference on January 11
       the correction or removal of the erroneous                                          2023 in Riyadh
       information after verification.
                                                © 2022 - All rights reserved. SAMENA TRENDS is a trademark of SAMENA Telecommunications Council.
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