Page 10 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
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Council's extended support to the region’s initiatives such as the SAMENA Council governments, industry and consumers
ICT and digital transformation visions via RISE Conference can help take our to capitalize on the many exciting
greater and more advanced collaboration dialogue forward (quote from HE Governor opportunities new technologies can bring.”
with Telecom Operators and Tech suggested). The Commission is pursuing a
Providers. RISE is also a demonstration long-term vision of digital transformation RISE is a new flagship leaders-centric
of the Council's commitment to remaining and sustainability at its heart. SAMENA project by SAMENA Council to assist
in constant engagement with regional Council’s RISE conference should help proactive engagement and industry
operators, regulators, regional government star the year 2023 with fresh perspectives discourse with Saudi Administration
bodies, and global institutions." on ICT sustainability and how ecosystem as well as regional policymakers and
players plan to strive forward in such goals, regulatory authorities. The Conference is
At a time when MCIT, under the leadership which the Commission fully supports.” structured on the essential requirement
of H.E. Eng. Abdullah Alswaha, Minister of addressing emerging needs and
of Communications and Information The ITU, as UN specialized ICT agency, challenges of the digitally transforming
Technology, is leading key digitalization has been strongly promoting the need businesses, economic sectors and
efforts across the public sector and to address challenges and opportunities industries, and the society at large. RISE, as
when a robust and cutting-edge digital offered by ICTs in the areas of innovation, ICT sustainability-driven industry meeting,
architecture has been created in Saudi governance, education, job creation and also has the objective of becoming the
Arabia in alignment with the national economic growth. This demands newness platform for recognizing, appreciating,
Vision 2030, the RISE Conference can help in the way key industry decision-makers and guiding fifth-generation collaborative
extend knowledge support on multiple conduct dialogue on pertinent issues. regulation and policy requirements
areas. Similarly, the Saudi Communication, and achievements, to help incentivize
Space & Technology Commission (CSTC, H.E. Ms. Doreen Bogdan-Martin, the first the Operator Community, Sectors and
formerly CITC) also has been a decisive woman Secretary-General-elect and the Verticals, and the Private Sector, at large,
force that has empowered the Saudi ICT current Director of Telecommunication toward sustainability in investment and
ecosystem to progress and grow in the Development Bureau of the ITU, improved collaboration.
desired national policy direction. reiterating the need for collaborations
and partnerships, has stated that: “RISE is RISE is inviting the participation of all
In this light, H.E. Governor of CSTC, Dr. taking place at a key moment. As the world ICT and non-ICT industry stakeholders.
Mohammed Altamimi has emphasized rapidly adopts digital technologies, greater Participation can be requested by
that “Regional regulatory authorities cross-sector collaboration is urgently writing to SAMENA Council (smnrise@
need to enhance strategic cooperation needed to help every country advance or by visiting
in developing the digital economy and on its digital transformation journey. RISE 2023 in Riyadh - Sustainable ICT
in harnessing digital technologies for Best-practice regulation and policy Development (
sustainable economic development. making play a crucial and catalytic role in
Sustainability and efficiency centric advancing digital inclusion, empowering