Page 48 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 48
Huawei’s 5G-Oriented Telco Cloud Solution Won Global Telecoms Award
The Global Telecoms Awards (GLOTEL 5G-oriented Telco Cloud solution takes a well-known media agency, to commend
Awards) was held in London recently. the lead in the commercial use of key carriers, equipment vendors, solution
Huawei’s 5G-oriented Telco Cloud solution technologies such as stateless design, providers, and consulting firms that have
won the “Telecoms Transformation” award, cross-DC deployment, and microservices. made outstanding contributions and
demonstrating the industry’s strong It provides the industry’s only A/B test innovation in the global telecoms industry.
recognition of Huawei’s technological solution for commercial use, providing
leadership and maturity in the 5G field. online upgrades with zero service
Cloudification is the foundation of 5G interruption. In addition, Huawei has
networks, and an irreversible trend introduced innovative technologies such
for telecom networks. 5G enters into as containers, distributed heterogeneous
commercial scale deployment, with a hardware acceleration, and autonomous
broad range of prospective applications driving networks. It launched the industry’s
in many fields, such as smart industry, first fully containerized 5G core network,
smart agriculture, smart city, and accelerating network deployment and
home entertainment. Agile service service rollout, and helping carriers build
rollout, differentiated requirements, and more agile, flexible, efficient, and robust 5G
deterministic experience have become networks. By Q3, 2019, Huawei had signed
the basic requirements for carrier 5G more than 670 commercial contracts for
networks, accelerate the cloudification of cloud core networks worldwide, and is
the entire network. The 5G era is calling determined to help carriers accelerate
for more agile and efficient cloud-based the cloudification of telecom networks,
networks, as service innovation relies promote 5G service innovation, enable the
on the flexibility of services and fast digital transformation of the industry, and
rollout brought by cloudification. With achieve business success. The GLOTEL
its cloud-native architecture, Huawei’s Awards are organized by,
Microsoft 4Afrika Brings Technology and IT Skills
Support to One Million Farmers Platform
Microsoft, through its 4Afrika Initiative, Farmers Platform, a World Bank initiative profitability and resilience of one million
has pledged support to the One Million aiming to improve the productivity, African farmers through disruptive
agricultural technologies. As part of the
partnership, Microsoft will be providing
technical and business support to the
14 Kenyan innovators selected to build
technology solutions for the platform.
Microsoft mentors will work closely with
each innovator to provide mentorship
around business development, technology
architecture and go-to-market strategies.
Additionally, innovators will have the
opportunity to apply for Microsoft’s AI for
Earth grant – a US$50 million program
that invests in solutions promoting
sustainability around water, climate
change, biodiversity and agriculture. The
pledge comes just three months after
Microsoft 4Afrika partnered with the
Alliance for a Green Revolution (AGRA) in
Africa, which similarly looks to promote
data-driven agriculture to improve food
48 NOVEMBER 2019