Page 128 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 128


                         The Croatian Competition Agency (Agencija za zastitu   be completed in the first half of next year, subject to
                         trzisnog  natjecanja,  AZTN)  has  opened  a  Phase  II   regulatory  clearance.  United  Group  has  a  number  of
                         investigation  into  the  sale  of  Tele2  Croatia  to  United   telecoms  and  media  operations  across  southeast
                         Group.  Sweden’s  Tele2  Group,  which  announced   Europe, while Tele2 is the smallest of Croatia’s three
        Croatia          plans to sell its Croatian unit at the end of May, says   mobile network operators (MNOs), with around 19% of
                         the  EUR220  million  (USD242  million)  deal  should
                                                                        all subscribers. (November 26, 2019)

                         The  state-owned  telecoms  operator  Empresa  de   Cuban citizens twelve months ago and the launch of
                         Telecomunicaciones de Cuba (ETECSA) has announced   4G for pre-paid customers in October. ETECSA had a
                         that its mobile subscriber base has reached six million.   total of 5.37 million wireless subscribers at the end of
                         The milestone follows the opening up of 3G services to   2018. (December 19, 2019)

                         The  government  of  Cyprus  is  planning  to  hold  a  5G   ‘the  post-tax  surplus  is  estimated  to  be  significantly
                         tender in March 2020, to award the spectrum available   higher  than  budgeted,  while  an  increase  in  the  total
                         in  the  700MHz  and  3.6GHz  bands,  the  Financial   revenue of the utility is expected, reversing the trend
                         Mirror  writes.  The  OCECPR  is  aiming  to  allocate  the   of decreasing revenue in recent years.’ Following the
        Cyprus           5G-suitable spectrum in the 700MHz band by 30 June   meeting,  Committee  Chairman  and  Diko  MP  Angelos
                                                                        Votsis stated that the improving financial results were
                         2020, while the 3.6GHz spectrum will be allocated by
                         31 December 2020. (December 20, 2019)  ‘proof  that the  company  is  right  to  remain  as is  and
                                                                        continue to offer quality services’, adding that his party
                         The leaders of three Cypriot opposition parties – the   would not approve the budget for studies on whether
                         Democratic  Party  (Diko),  the  Progressive  Party  of   the utility should issue shares or make partnerships, as
                         Working  People  (Akel)  and  the  Green  Party  –  have   ‘this is an indirect way to discuss privatization again.’
                         stated  that  they  would  not  approve  a  budget  of   The  privatization  of  public  organizations  including
                         EUR500,000  (USD553,000)  earmarked  for  studies  on   Cyta  was  one  of  Cyprus’  commitments  to  its  Troika
                         whether Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (Cyta)   of  international  lenders  –  the  IMF,  the  EC  and  the
                         should sell shares and forge partnerships, arguing this   European  Central  Bank  (ECB)  –  which  was  met  with
                         would be just an indirect way of privatizing the operator.   resistance from the opposition and the company itself.
                         Cyta’s  board  Chairperson  Rena  Rouvitha  Panou  told   While a new bill outlining the privatization was to be
                         MPs that Cyta’s post-tax surplus for 2018 amounted   presented to parliament in January 2017, the process
                         to EUR60.6 million, claiming this was the highest level   has  since  stalled  due  to  disagreements  between  the
                         of  profit  for  the  last  seven  years.  Regarding  2019,   majorities of parties in parliament.
                         the executive said that based on indications to date,   (November 21, 2019)

                         The government of Czechia may postpone the planned   TeleGeography’s CommsUpdate, in October this year –
                         auction  of  5G  mobile  frequencies  from  January  to   following a public consultation on the draft terms and
                         mid-2020 in a bid to entice greater participation in the   conditions of the auction of 5G network frequencies in
                         process, minister of industry and trade Karel Havlicek   the 700MHz and 3400MHz–3600MHz (3.5GHz) bands
        Czech            is  quoted  as  saying  Tuesday  (17  December).  With   – the Czech Telecommunication Office (CTU) revised its
                         the  Czech  authorities  keen  to  attract  a  new  national
                                                                        framework dates for conducting the selection process,
        Republic         mobile  operator  to  drive  competition  in  a  market   with the call for tenders postponed from autumn 2019
                         where the high cost of services have been a perennial   until the beginning of January 2020. The watchdog is
                         complaint  of  users,  CTK  news  agency  quoted  Mr.   seeking to allocate the frequencies in a bid to bolster
                         Havlicek as confirming the reason for the delay before   competition  in  the  Czech  market  where  high  prices
                         the  tender  takes  place  for  700MHz  and  3500MHz   have long been criticized by politicians and end users
                         frequencies. ‘If it has been debated for several years,   alike. Previously, in June 2019, the CTU published the
                         then it is not the most important thing whether it will   draft plan of the 5G auction, the terms and conditions
                         take  place  in  January  or  May,’  Havlicek  said,  adding   of which are based on previously published principles
                         that  the  prospective  fourth  operator  should  ‘crash’   which  the  regulator  documented  over  the  past  year
                         the competitive landscape. As previously reported by   in  its  efforts  to  maximize  the  transparency  of  the

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