Page 125 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
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                         statements to show they are meeting their obligations,   services  (FOAS  and  FTAS),  and  wholesale  ADSL.  It
                         they risk facing further action such as fines or court   has  been  suggested  that  the  ACCC’s  decision  will
                         proceedings  should  they  fail  to  do  so.  Since  July   effectively  mean  that  wholesale  prices  for  non-NBN
                         2018,  the  ACMA  has  issued  14  directions  and  seven   fixed line services will reduce in real terms over the next
                         formal  warnings  to  telcos  for  failing  to  comply  with   five years. This decision is expected to be the last to
                         the TCP Code, and following the latest developments   be made by the ACCC in relation to most of these fixed
                         Ms.  O’Loughlin  said:  ‘We  take  breaches  of  the  TCP   line services, as with the National Broadband Network
                         Code very seriously. When telcos are failing their own   rollout  expected  to  be  completed  in  June  2020,  the
                         customers it is not good enough … These actions serve   migration  of  most  customers  from  Telstra’s  legacy
                         as a message to the wider industry that the ACMA will   networks to the new infrastructure is expected to be
                         pursue  failures  to  comply  with  consumer  protection   mostly done by 2022. The ACCC’s decision will come
                         rules.’ (November 7, 2019)   into effect on 15 November 2019 and follows a fixed
                                                                        line service Final Access Determination public inquiry
                         Existing price and non-price terms for seven declared,   conducted by the regulator. Commenting on the matter,
                         or  regulated,  fixed  line  wholesale  services  are  to   ACCC Chair Rod Sims said: ‘Our decision will provide
                         be  maintained  until  30  June  2024,  the  Australian   real price reductions and certainty for the industry in
                         Competition  and  Consumer  Commission  (ACCC)   relation to voice and broadband services which are still
                         has  announced.  In  a  press  release  regarding  the   being provided through Telstra’s copper network and
                         matter,  the  ACCC  listed  the  seven  declared  services   other legacy infrastructure … Maintaining the current
                         –  predominantly  supplied  by  Telstra  –  as  being:  the   prices and other terms of access will give the industry
                         unconditioned  local  loop  service  (ULLS),  line  sharing   some  certainty  and  stability  as  the  NBN  migration
                         service (LSS), wholesale line rental (WLR), local carriage   continues.’
                         service (LCS), fixed originating and terminating access   (November 1, 2019)

                         The  Regulatory  Authority  for  Broadcasting  and   2020  to  prepare  for  the  auction.  The  auction  will  be
                         Telecoms (RTR) has published the conditions for the   divided into two phases: the first will see frequencies
                         country’s ‘second 5G auction’, which is scheduled to   in  the  700MHz  (six  blocks)  and  2100MHz  (twelve
                         take place in spring 2020. The regulator is looking to   blocks) bands allocated, with eight blocks of 1500MHz
        Austria          award licenses for spectrum in the 700MHz, 1500MHz   spectrum  set  to  be  awarded  in  the  second  stage.
                         and 2100MHz frequency bands. Following two public   In  terms  of  coverage  obligations,  700MHz  license
                         consultations  on  the  auction  conditions,  the  RTR   winners  will  be  obliged  to  supply  900  underserved
                         says  it  has  re-examined  the  potential  costs  incurred   communities. In addition, a ‘bonus system’ has been
                         by operators for a nationwide supply of services and   developed  whereby  operators  will  be  able  to  gain  a
                         has  decided  to  lower  the  minimum  bid  by  EUR55   reduction in the spectrum price if they agree to cover
                         million  (USD61  million),  to  EUR239.3  million,  while   additional underserved areas.
                         also  increasing  the  duration  of  the  licenses  from  20   (December 12, 2109)
                         to around 25 years. Interested parties have until April

                         The  Belgian  Digital  Agenda  and  Telecoms  Minister,   country’s various governments – to discuss the issue
                         Philippe  De  Backer,  hopes  a  proposal  to  place  the   early next year, with a view to staging an auction before
                         proceeds  of  the  country’s  5G  spectrum  auction  in  a   the end of 2020. ‘At that point, we can spend as long as
                         blocked account will enable a sale to go ahead before   needed arguing about how to distribute the proceeds,
        Belgium          the  end  of  2020,  reports  Datanews.  The  auction  has   but in the meantime, the 5G rollout can go ahead’, he
                         been  delayed  by  a  disagreement  with  the  country’s   said. De Backer also suggested the auction proceeds
                         regional governments over how the anticipated EUR680   could be used to invest in 5G infrastructure. However,
                         million (USD745.2 million) raised by the sale should be   the  country’s  mobile  operators  are  not  thought  to
                         distributed. The minister told a recent press conference   be keen on this idea, as it could make Belgium more
                         that  the  solution  would  enable  the  Consultation   attractive for a fourth competitor.
                         Committee  –  the  consultative  body  comprising  the   (December 6, 2109)

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