Page 51 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 51


        increase in  the use of social media by   the settings was 67%.          Internet were electronic services related to
        individuals to reach 95% compared to 92%   Social Media                  travel and hotel reservation by 25%.
        in 2019.  The results  of the survey  also   The survey results indicated a noticeable   Reasons for not using the Internet:
        concluded that the percentage of Internet   increase in the percentage of social media   In addition  to identifying  indicators  of
        use among females was 97% compared to   users compared to the results of the 2019   access to and use of technology, the survey
        94% among males. As for the age groups,   survey; whereas the percentage of Imo app,   sought to identify the reasons for not using
        the total age group of 18-54 years exceed   forums, and blogs users decreased. Based   the Internet  in the  past three  months,  as
        the rate of Internet use by 90%, while the   on the results, WhatsApp app came first in   the results show that the most important
        percentage  of use by  the age group  55   terms of usage by 92%, followed by You-  of these reasons were inability to read and
        years  and  above  is  only  80%;  however,   Tube  with  81%,  then  Facebook  with  56%,   write by 38% of the total individuals who do
        the percentage of use among Omanis and   followed by Imo by 47%, then Instagram by   not use the Internet, followed by inability to
        expats is 95% equally.               44%, while the use of Twitter reached 25%,   use the internet 31% and no need to use
        ICT Activities                       followed by Snapchat by 24 %.       the internet at the same rate.
        The  results of the survey showed good   Internet Activities:            Respondents' notes:
        levels of activities using  information  and   The activities on Internet have witnessed   The survey also came out with a number
        communication  technologies  by any de-  a rise in the areas of research,  doing   of respondents' observations, the most
        vice, as it showed that about 92% of indi-  business and obtaining information  and   important  of which were, weak  Internet
        viduals aged 18 years and above have the   services. The results indicate  that 77%   coverage in some residential areas in the
        ability to send messages, whether through   of  Internet users  search and download   various governorates of the sultanate, and
        e-mail, WhatsApp or SMS. The percentage   files,  videos,  pictures,  electronic  games,   the respondents expressed  their opinion
        of using cutting and pasting tools reached   and others. At the  same rate (77%) of   about the high prices of Internet packages
        84%, while the use of searching for, down-  respondents use the Internet to search for   and the lack of Internet in a number of the
        loading or installing software, or adjusting   information. While the lowest uses of the   wilayats of the sultanate.

        Pakistan Plans US$18.8 Million STEM Schools Project

        Pakistan  will  be launching  a  Rs.  3  billion
        STEM  schools  project this  year,  aimed
        at  promoting  digital education  in the
        country.  Speaking at  an international
        webinar “Future of (online)  education  in
        Pakistan”, Federal Minister for Science and
        Technology Fawad Chaudhry said that the
        project aimed at  bringing  STEM  schools
        for grades six, seven,  and eight, adding
        that  the  project  would  be  the  first  of  its
        kind in Pakistan. “This year, we abstracted
        464  schools  at  the federal level  from all
        the provinces that  we are turning into a
        STEM  school,”  the minister for science
        and technology said. Chaudhry said digital
        education  was  the only way  forward  for   already working on  establishing  digital   the discussion, Omar  Farooqui, founder
        securing a bright future for the country. “We   education  in  the  country  way  before the   and the President of Coded  Minds,  said
        want  to take up  about 5,000 government   COVID-19 crisis. Speaking on the subject,   COVID-19  gave  an  excellent  opportunity
        schools.  We want to upgrade  them  as a   Dr.  Ahsan  Feroz  of Pakistan  Science   to strengthen public-private partnerships.
        STEM schools,” he said. “Digital education   Foundation, currently working on the STEM   He said that his company  opted  to start
        is  the future of Pakistan.”  The webinar   school project, said the project was in the   operations  in Pakistan  not  just because
        was organized by Coded Minds Pakistan,   approval  stage. “As soon  as  the  budget   there was a huge opportunity to work on
        a global iSTEAM and leadership company.   is  approved, we will  immediately  start   education,  but also  because  there was
        Local and international education experts   working on the project,” he added. Punjab   support  from the government at  every
        participated in the webinar to discuss the   Education  Minister Murad Rass  said   level.
        future  of  online  education  in  Pakistan.   access to internet was a major challenge
        According to Chaudhry, his ministry  was   in promoting online education. Concluding

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