Page 94 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
P. 94


        Regulator Rejects Price Hike Claims

                                             Telecommunications   (Autorite  de  levied and would withdraw certain  offers.
                                             Regulation des Postes et Telecom, ARPTC)   In  its  rebuttal  the  ARPTC  explained  that
                                             has published a statement refuting claims   operators are required to seek permission
                                             from the Federation  of Companies  of   from the  regulator to review tariffs  and
                                             Congo (La  Federation  des  entreprises   that  it  had  not  granted  permission  for
                                             du Congo, FEC)  that  the  nation’s  telcos   any  of  the  nation’s  providers  to  increase
                                             are  preparing  to increase  tariffs  due  to   prices.  Further, the  ARPTC  warned  that
                                             the  introduction of new taxes  on service   any  provider that  illegally  raised  tariffs  or
                                             providers. Agence Ecofin cites the FEC as   spread misinformation on the matter would
        Congolese  telecoms  watchdog   the  saying that telcos would increase prices for   be ‘severely sanctioned’ by the regulator.
        Regulatory  Authority  of  Post  and  the services on which the taxes are to be

        MTN and CamTel Implement National Roaming for 2G, 3G and 4G Networks

        MTN Cameroon has announced the signing
        of a strategic national roaming agreement
        with  CamTel  (Blue),  which  will  allow  the
        state-owned operator to expand 2G, 3G and
        4G coverage in areas of the country that are
        not already covered by its network. CamTel’s
        subscribers  will  benefit  from  access  to
        MTN’s  existing  network infrastructure,
        which provides population coverage of 97%
        for 2G services, 90% for 3G and 70% for 4G
        services, allowing it to significantly improve
        customer experience. The move comes as
        CamTel  is  gearing  up for  the  commercial
        launch of its new nationwide GSM mobile
        service, after unveiling  the  Blue  brand  for
        its operations in August last year. ‘One of
        MTN Group’s strategic priorities is to build
        the  largest  and most valuable  platforms,
        including network as a service,’ said MTN
        Group President  and  CEO  Ralph  Mupita,   owned Camtel is a significant development   to bring our world-class services closer to
        adding: ‘The roaming agreement with state-  in our work to deliver on this: we are excited   the people of Cameroon.’

        ACM Consults on KPN, Glaspoort Wholesale Fiber Rate Reductions

        The Netherlands Authority for Consumers   more competition in the market in terms of   commitments of KPN and Glaspoort – if
        &  Markets  (ACM)  has  published  a  draft   price and speed, making it more attractive   declared  binding  – offer  market  parties
        decision for public consultation in response   for households  to opt  for faster  internet.   clarity  and  certainty  for the  next  eight
        to recent proposals from nationwide telco   According to ACM’s calculation model, the   years, while  they can take  effect  quickly.’
        KPN and the latter’s joint venture Glaspoort   savings  for households  could amount to   ACM has submitted  its  draft decision  for
        for  lower tariffs  and  better  conditions   EUR200 million (USD216 million) per year   consultation  for six  weeks,  and  will  take
        for  wholesale  access  to  their  fiber-optic   in 2026. ACM board member Manon Leijten   the  comments  of interested  parties  into
        networks. According to ACM, the proposed   stated:  ‘The  proposed rate  reductions   account when adopting a final decision. If
        commitments  from KPN  and  Glaspoort   improve the competitive position of access   ACM  declares  the  commitments  binding,
        could  have  a  significant  effect  on  the   seekers, allowing  them  to offer more   they will take effect immediately.
        market for fixed internet access leading to   people  faster  and  cheaper internet.  The

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