Page 93 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
P. 93


                                              WHOLESALE NEWS

        Belgium, Luxembourg Internet Exchanges Agree Interconnection

        The Belgian Internet Exchange (BNIX) and
        its  Luxembourg  counterpart  LU-CIX  have
        announced an agreement to interconnect in
        order to optimise the flow of internet traffic
        between  the  two  countries.  In  addition  to
        reducing latency times between the nations,
        the  two bodies  noted  the  interconnection
        will also ensure greater security for cross-
        border traffic exchanges, to the benefit of
        professionals  and  private  individuals  who
        will have a better connection on both sides
        of the border with their content providers.

        Germany Approves New Local Loop Rates

        The  Federal Network Agency (FNA)    from 1 July 2022, down from the existing   and EUR7.20, respectively. The FNA states
        has  approved the  rates  for  local loop   rate of EUR11.19. From the same date, the   that  the  long-term  determination of the
        unbundling  (LLU)  for the  ten-year  period   fee for the copper line section between the   fees is intended to facilitate the expansion
        from  July  2022  to  June  2032.  A  rate  of   end customer and the cable distribution box   of  and  migration  to  fiber-optic  networks.
        EUR10.65 (USD11.17) per month will apply   on the street will decrease from EUR7.05 to   The  final  approval  of  the  rates  followed
        for the copper line section between the end   EUR6.92 per month. These rates are set to   consultation at national and EU level.
        customer and the main distribution frame   increase by 4% on 1 July 2027 to EUR11.08

        Conatel Orders Telcos to Submit Tariff Changes for Approval

        Haiti’s   National    Council    of  telecoms operators have been  obliged  to   of their  annual  turnover  for the  previous
        Telecommunications (Conseil  National   submit  new  tariffs  for regulatory  review   fiscal year. The decision was announced by
        des  Telecommunications, Conatel)  has   on a quarterly basis. Non-compliance will   Jean Marie Guillaume, Director General of
        enacted  a new decision  relating  to tariff   result in companies being sanctioned with   Conatel, on May 31.
        changes. As of June 1, 2022 all domestic   a fine equivalent to between 0.5% and 1%

        New MTR Price Ceilings Take Effect

        New rules on the  price ceiling  for  mobile   Supervisor de  Inversion  Privada  en   areas.  The  rates  apply  to all  providers.
        termination  rates  (MTRs)  have  taken   Telecommuniciones, Osiptel) approved the   The  system  for determining  MTRs  was
        effect, lowering the  maximum  MTR   new rate in April this year, following a public   overhauled in 2018, when the charges were
        to USD0.00129  per minute  (excluding   hearing  on  the  matter  in  February. Under   made  symmetrical  and  an  annual  update
        General Sales  Tax).  Sector  watchdog the   the  new regulations  the  maximum  MTR   mechanism  was  established.  Under that
        Supervisory Agency for Private Investment   for rural  areas  was  set  at  USD0.000090   system, urban/rural  MTRs  for  2021  were
        in   Telecommunications  (Organismo  per  minute  and  USD0.001290  for urban   lowered to USD0.001620/USD0.000118.

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