Page 42 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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                                             Cisco Launches AppDynamics Cloud to Enable

                                             the Delivery of Exceptional Digital Experiences

        Cisco   announced  the   launch  of
        AppDynamics  Cloud  at  Cisco  Live,  the
        premiere  networking  and  security  event.
        AppDynamics Cloud enables delivery
        of  exceptional  digital  experiences  by
        correlating  telemetry  data  from across
        any  cloud environment  at  massive  scale.
        It  leverages  cloud-native  observability  to
        remediate application performance issues
        with  business  context  and  insights-driven
        actions.  “AppDynamics  Cloud  delivers
        power  and usability  in  a single, intuitive
        interface. It puts the focus where it needs
        to be—on 360-degree visibility and insights,
        and  the  ability  to take  action  that  leads
        to extraordinary  application  experiences
        every  time,”  said  Liz  Centoni,  EVP,  Chief
        Strategy  Officer,  GM  of  Applications.   IT stacks, multiple  clouds, SaaS services,   service—has  to  be  firing  on  all  cylinders
        AppDynamics  Cloud  maximizes  business   and  security  solutions.  Traditional  because  even  the  slightest  delay  or
        outcomes  and customer  experiences   monitoring approaches break down in this   hiccup  can have wide-ranging  impact on
        by continuously  optimizing  cloud-native   vastly  complex  and  dynamic  ecosystem.   everything from manufacturing operations
        applications.  It  accelerates  detection  and   AppDynamics Cloud seamlessly ingests the   to customers’ ability to buy products online.
        resolution  of performance  issues,  before   deluge of metrics, events, logs, and traces   It’s  imperative  to have  complete  visibility
        they impact the business  or the  brand,   (MELT)  generated  in  this  environment—  into every corner of the operation to make
        with  intelligent  operations.  Investment   including  network, databases,  storage,   sure  things  are  running  smoothly, which
        protection  is  derived from  continuous   containers,  security, and  cloud services—  is  usually  easier  said  than  done.”  Vincent
        data  integrations  with  OpenTelemetry ™   to make sense of the current state of the   Lamonde, Director  of Cloud Operations,
        standards  and  technology partnerships   entire IT stack all the way to the end user.   Insurity, “We’re a leader  in  the  insurance
        with  cloud solutions  and providers.  The   Actions  can  then  be  taken  to  optimize   technology market,  with  more  than  80%
        platform enables  collaboration  across   costs, maximize  transaction  revenue,   of our customers  operating  within  the
        teams  including  DevOps,  site  reliability   and  secure  user  and  organizational  data.   cloud. Our clients might have hundreds of
        engineers  (SREs),  and  other  key  business   “Built from the ground up with cloud-native   customers they’re  supporting  who expect
        stakeholders  to  achieve  common    observability, AppDynamics Cloud is about   our system to work flawlessly all the time.
        benchmarks like service-level  objectives   real outcomes, so you can fix issues when   If  it  takes  significant  time  to  identify  and
        (SLOs)  and organizational  KPIs.  While   they  arise—or  even  before  they  happen—  resolve  an  issue,  it  could impact  their
        many organizations still run their mission-  and  ensure  digital  services  offer exactly   business  and  the  customer experience.
        critical  and  revenue-generating  systems   what  users  want,”  said  Centoni.  Current   We  are  bound to maintain  service level
        with  traditional  applications,  modern   AppDynamics customers can  upgrade   agreements (SLAs), so finding new ways to
        business apps are increasingly built using   to AppDynamics Cloud and  leverage   identify and resolve in less time can make
        DevOps  initiatives  and  must  support   their  existing  application  performance   a  world  of  difference.”  Peter  Hvedstrup
        distributed architectures and services. This   monitoring (APM)  agents,  or feed  both   Jensen,  Head  of  IT  Operations,  Velliv,  “As
        pandemic-accelerated  trend  has  spawned   solutions  concurrently.  AppDynamics  a pension provider, it’s imperative that
        an   end-to-end  experience  revolution  Cloud supports cloud-native, managed   every  system,  component and  application
        among consumers and end  users, and   Kubernetes environments on Amazon Web   work  flawlessly.  Our  customers  shouldn’t
        hybrid  work is  contributing  exponential   Services  (AWS),  with  future  expansion  to   have  to  wait  to  find  the  information  they
        momentum.  To deliver  the  consistent,   Microsoft  Azure,  Google  Cloud  Platform,   need  or repeatedly  visit  an  application
        reliable digital experiences that consumers   and  other  cloud  providers.  Tim Masey,   that’s unexpectedly not available. A cloud-
        and  end  users  now demand,  IT  teams   Carhartt’s Vice President, IT Infrastructure   only architecture can be very complex and
        must monitor  and manage a dynamic   &  Security, “The  apparel  industry is  more   intricate.  We  needed  greater  visibility  and
        set  of application  dependencies  across   complex, dynamic, and  competitive  than   control over every aspect of the environment
        a  mix  of infrastructure, microservices,   ever. Every aspect of your operation—from   because  even  an  hour of downtime  will
        containers, and APIs using  home-grown   procurement  through sales  and  customer   negatively impact our customers.”

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