Page 39 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
P. 39


        AT&T Plans for Fiber-Powered Internet Access in Amarillo, Texas

        The  city of Amarillo  announced a $24M
        project with AT&T to build its state-of-the-
        art fiber network to more than 22,000 cus-
        tomer locations  throughout the  city.  The
        project proposes providing access to AT&T
        Fiber  for homes,  businesses  and  govern-
        ment agencies in the city center. The proj-
        ect  is  contingent  upon funding  approval
        by the city of Amarillo and a final contract
        between AT&T and the city. “The city of Am-
        arillo broadband access plan is one of the
        more  significant  technological  infrastruc-
        ture  advancements  in  city  history,”  said
        Amarillo Mayor  Ginger Nelson. “Amarillo
        is  taking  the  lead  in  ensuring  all  its  resi-
        dents have access to the world wide web
        and  its  countless  uses  – from education
        to  workforce  development  to  health  care   how public-private  partnerships can help   Residents and businesses can learn more
        and more. AT&T, with a longtime tradition   close  the  digital  divide,”  said  Fred  Maldo-  about AT&T Fiber at and can
        of excellence in communication, is the per-  nado, Regional Vice President, AT&T Texas.   sign up to be notified when service will be
        fect company for this historic project that   “We have a long history of connecting busi-  available at their  address at
        will benefit the entire Amarillo community   nesses  and  residents  in  Amarillo, and  we   fyme. AT&T will also keep the community
        and serve as a template for other cities and   look forward to working with the city of Am-  updated on the project. Affordable internet
        communities to follow on how to connect   arillo on making plans to bring high-speed   service is available for low-income house-
        their residents in the digital age.” AT&T has   internet to those who need it most.” Exten-  holds  as part  of AT&T’s  commitment  to
        been building communications networks in   sive  planning  and  engineering  work will   help close the digital divide. Access from
        Texas for more than 140 years and is cur-  begin  immediately  upon execution  of the   AT&T offers low-cost broadband options,
        rently the nation’s largest fiber internet pro-  contract. AT&T Fiber is the fastest among   including  free  internet  for eligible  house-
        vider.1 In 2021, AT&T made fiber available   major  providers and offers symmetrical   holds when combined with federal benefits
        in more than 300,000 new locations in Tex-  speeds of up to 5-Gigs on downloads and   from the Affordable Connectivity Program
        as. “We appreciate the leadership and fore-  uploads.2 The faster speeds and increased   (ACP).3 After you confirm your ACP eligibil-
        sight of the city in planning to choose AT&T   bandwidth  mean  customers can  connect   ity, call us at 866-986-0963 to discuss your
        Fiber, which will provide a fast and reliable   multiple devices, stream multiple entertain-  options and order service. Be sure to have
        internet  solution  for today  and  tomorrow.   ment  sources,  quickly upload  content  to   your National Verifier application ID handy
        This is an important milestone for the city   social media and experience ultra-low lag   when you call.
        of Amarillo and the state of Texas to show   for pro-level gaming – all at the same time.

        AT&T, Verizon Agree to Phased 5G C-Band Rollout

        The US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) said   between C-Band 5G and aircraft equipment   The phased approach requires operators of
        AT&T and Verizon agreed to allow airlines   by delaying  the  full rollout of their  5G   regional aircraft with radio altimeters most
        more time to mitigate fears of interference   networks to July 2023. The operators had   susceptible to interference to retrofit them
                                             offered  to keep  limitations  on  network   with  radio  frequency  filters  by  the  end  of
                                             deployments  at certain  airports  in  place   2022. In a statement, Verizon EVP and chief
                                             until  5  July  2022,  but  agreed  to  extend   administrative officer Craig Silliman said the
                                             this  by another year following further   operator “will  lift  the  voluntary  limitations
                                             negotiations. Acting FAA administrator Billy   on our  5G  network deployment  around
                                             Nolen said a path has been identified that   airports  in  a staged  approach over the
                                             should “continue to enable  aviation  and   coming  months”.  Silliman  added  that  the
                                             5G C-band wireless to safely co-exist”. The   latest agreement “is the result of months of
                                             two operators will turn on their equipment   close collaboration with the FAA, FCC and
                                             in “carefully considered phases” as airlines   aviation  industry, and sets  the stage  for
                                             work to retrofit their planes, the FAA added.   continued, robust 5G deployment”.

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