Page 47 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
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        Avaya ENGAGE® 2023 Announces Guest Speakers: Chef and Humanitarian,

        José Andrés; Entrepreneur and AI Thought Leader, Rana El Kaliouby, PhD;
        Explorer and Performance Coach, Mark Pollock

        Avaya, a global  leader  in customer   “100  Most  Influential  People”  by  Time   doctorates  by  The  Royal  College  of
        experience  solutions  to   enhance    Magazine.                           Surgeons  in  Ireland  and  also  from
        and   simplify  communications  and  •   Rana el Kaliouby, PhD: Egyptian-American   Queens University Belfast.
        collaboration,  today  announced José   scientist, entrepreneur, investor and an AI   •   Katie  Linendoll:  is  an  Emmy  Award-
        Andrés, Rana  el  Kaliouby,  PhD,  and Mark   thought leader on a mission to humanize   winning  TV  personality,  consumer
        Pollock will  be  featured presenters at   technology before it dehumanizes us. El   technology expert, and one of the leading
        Avaya ENGAGE® 2023. Along with program   Kaliouby is the Deputy CEO at Smart Eye   women  in  the  technology  industry.
        emcee Katie Linendoll, a global technology   and  an  executive  fellow  at  the  Harvard   She  makes regular appearances  as  a
        consultant, these compelling speakers will   Business  School  where  she  teaches   contributor on TV in digital segments and
        inspire attendees to drive impactful change   about  AI  and  startups.  Her  bestselling   series such as the TODAY Show, Rachael
        within their organizations recognizing that   memoir, Girl Decoded: A Scientist’s Quest   Ray, and The Weather Channel. Linendoll
        each individual, regardless of their role, can   to  Reclaim  Our  Humanity  by  Bringing   is  this  year’s  Avaya  ENGAGE  emcee.
        influence every customer experience. Hear   Emotional  Intelligence  to  Technology   She  has  been  named  a  Silicon  Valley
        these keynote sessions live at this year’s   follows her journey, growing up in the   Visionary and leads a faith-filled, active
        annual Avaya  user conference  held  June   Middle  East  and  moving  to  the  United   lifestyle while also devoting her time to
        18-21 at the Walt Disney World Swan and   States to become an entrepreneur  and   select philanthropic causes in healthcare
        Dolphin  Resorts  Orlando,  Florida.  Hosted   Emotion AI pioneer.         and with retired K9s and U.S. veterans.
        by Avaya and the International Avaya User   •   Mark  Pollock:  Unbroken  by  blindness   Avaya  ENGAGE  serves as  an epicenter
        Group  (IAUG),  Avaya  ENGAGE  2023  will   in  1998,  Pollock  became  an  adventure   where customers and partners convene who
        feature:                               athlete  competing  in ultra-endurance   are shaping the future of communications
        •   José Andrés: Internationally recognized   races across deserts, mountains, and the   technology. ” We believe that the future of
          chef,  humanitarian, and restaurateur,   polar  ice  caps  including  being  the  first   customer experience is converged, and we
          Andrés is known for his groundbreaking,   blind person to race to the South Pole.   are excited to share our visionary outlook
          avant-garde cuisine served in  his   Just over a decade later in a fall from a   at  Avaya  ENGAGE,” said  Alan  Masarek,
          award-winning restaurants across  the   second  story  window, Pollock became   Avaya CEO. “I invite all of you to join us this
          country. He will discuss how a culture of   paralyzed. Author of ‘Making It Happen’,   year to learn how we are empowering our
          innovation and creativity not only leads to   Mark  is  the subject of the acclaimed   customers and partners to create the best
          personal and organizational success, but   documentaries  'Blind  Man  Walking’   possible experiences.”
          also a better tomorrow for all. Andrés is   and  ‘Unbreakable  –  The  Mark  Pollock
          a two-time recipient of the coveted title   Story’.  He  has  been  awarded  honorary

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