Page 88 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
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        Kymeta Unveils Next-Gen Satellite Antenna for Hybrid Connectivity

        Kymeta Corp., one  of the high-tech   means that you can roam around  the   with  a  variety  of connectivity  providers
        ventures backed by Microsoft co-founder   world seamlessly as  well, whereas  the   —  including Intelsat  on the satellite side
        Bill  Gates, has  paired its  next-generation   u7 didn’t really allow for global roaming.”   and Cubic Telecom on the cellular side
        satellite antenna  with a new kind of   Kymeta takes advantage of metamaterials   — to offer a variety of satellite and hybrid
        hybrid  connectivity service  — reaching   technology  to “steer” its  antennas   satellite-cellular  packages. The Kymeta
        the next level in its quest to make buying   electronically, without  any moving  parts.   Connect offerings build on the company’s
        satellite-based telecommunications as   Previous versions  of Kymeta’s  flat-panel   existing partnership with  Intelsat  on its
        easy  as  buying  cell service. Bill  Marks,   antennas  looked  like stop signs.  The  u8   Kalo connectivity service. Potential users
        Kymeta’s  chief  strategy  officer,  said   antenna has  been  redesigned  to  have   include  first  responders,  construction
        the new  combination of hardware and   softer corners — and sharper electronics.   crews and the military as well as maritime
        software builds on  Kymeta’s current   “We continually innovate the science   vessels and ferries,  trucks,  trains, buses
        service offerings, which hit  the market   around metamaterials,” Marks said. “What   and vehicle fleets. Kymeta is turning up the
        two years ago.  “When you start  to try   that means for the u8 is that we can scan   spotlight on the u8 antenna and the Kymeta
        to penetrate markets that  aren’t  used   and see  satellites  lower on the horizon   Connect service this week at the Satellite
        to  buying satellite  services, especially   than we used to, with higher performance.   2020  conference  in Washington, D.C.  It
        mobility in the platforms that we’re on, the   It’s  much more  practical for mobile   aims to roll out its offerings between now
        customers want you to provide something   applications,  because  you can’t predict   and the end of the year, initially focusing
        as  simple as  what they’re used  to when   where the antenna is going to be.” The u8   on the U.S., Europe, the Middle East, Asia-
        they buy handsets and cellular plans,” he   is also designed to perform better than the   Pacific  region,  sub-Saharan  Africa  and
        told GeekWire. The typical model involves   u7 in extreme environments, ranging from   Oceania.  “We  have  beta units  that  will
        buying the hardware, and then navigating   a baking-hot desert to the  chilly exterior   start  seeing the  market in early  summer.
        your way through a patchwork of service   of a high-flying airplane. It’s available as   … Before we call it general availability and
        plans. “It’s very difficult to say, ‘Hey, buy this   an antenna, as a terminal or in a flyaway   turn  up  the  production  lines,  we want to
        satellite antenna … Now, good luck, go find   configuration,  and  it’s  tailor-made  for   put  a certain number  of units out  in the
        your own capacity,’ ” Marks said. “People   Kymeta  Connect.  Kymeta  is  partnering   field with valued customers,” Marks said.
        aren’t used to that, and they don’t know
        how to do it.” To streamline  the process,
        Redmond, Wash.-based Kymeta is gearing
        up to offer all-inclusive packages that
        combine  its next-generation  u8 antenna
        with a smorgasbord of Ku-band  satellite
        connectivity  and cellular service. Kymeta
        Connect  packages  will  be  priced  on a
        per-gigabyte basis, just like cell service.
        Subscription rates start at $999 per month
        for 1  gigabyte of data.  “For the satellite
        industry, that is pretty earth-shattering,”
        Marks  said.  Kymeta  plans  to  add to  its
        offerings as  new  satellite  constellations
        begin beaming  broadband services from
        low  Earth orbit.  Those services should
        extend  connectivity  to virtually  every
        place on  the planet.  “If  you buy  our u8
        product,  you can use it  anywhere in the
        world at any frequency  that Ku-band
        operates,  seamlessly,” Marks  said.  “That

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