Page 87 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
P. 87


        Sen Selects NanoAvionics to Build Video Nano-Satellites

        Sen, a British space company working to   nano-satellites  built  for  launch  in  and climate change.  NanoAvionics  plans
        provide  real-time  Ultra-High  Definition   2022.    Sen is  developing  an  “EarthTV”   to  build  the  16U  nano-satellite  buses
        (UHD) video of Earth, has signed a multi-  constellation  of  nano-satellites  to  and integrate Sen’s  payload at  their
        million euro contract with  NanoAvionics   stream  real-time  videos from  space. The   European  manufacturing  and research
        to  build  the  first  five  nano-satellites  of   company plans that  the service, which   facility in Vilnius, Lithuania. Sen said each
        its  constellation.  The companies  plan  to   will  include  a  freely accessible app for   satellite will be equipped with several UHD
        launch the first nano-satellite, EarthTV-1,   individuals, will  be used for monitoring   cameras, providing multiple perspectives
        by  mid-2021,  with  the remaining four   environmental  events, natural disasters   of Earth, from wide angle imagery down to
                                                                                  1.5M resolution.  “Our planet is constantly
                                                                                  changing and Sen’s satellites will provide
                                                                                  a  new and persistent way of seeing
                                                                                  events unfolding, empowering  humanity
                                                                                  to  witness  the  evolution of our planet
                                                                                  in a  unique way.  We hope  to  increase
                                                                                  awareness of environmental events and
                                                                                  human  movement with information that
                                                                                  can educate, inspire and empower people
                                                                                  to change and improve the outcome,” said
                                                                                  Charles Black,  founder  and CEO  of  Sen.
                                                                                  “Our teams have worked extensively [with
                                                                                  NanoAvionics] over the last  six  months
                                                                                  to ensure the satellite bus will meet  our
                                                                                  specific  requirements  for  streaming  high
                                                                                  definition videos from several cameras.”

        Capella, Rocket Lab to Launch SAR Satellite to Mid-Inclination

        Capella Space  has signed  a  deal with   monitoring – using on-demand, accurate   Space,  a San Francisco-based company,
        Rocket Lab to launch one of the Synthetic   Earth observation data,” said Payam   aims to offer hourly coverage of every point
        Aperture Radar (SAR)  satellites in its   Banazadeh, CEO  of Capella  Space.   on Earth, rendered in sub-meter resolution,
        Whitney  Constellation,  calling  it  the  first-  “Launching  our  first  Whitney  satellite  on   and to help customers interpret that data
        ever SAR satellite to deliver commercial   a  dedicated Rocket  Lab  mission allows   with  an  in-house  platform.  The  company
        data  into a  mid-inclination  orbit.    The   us to stay in control of our orbit and focus   also  plans  to  launch  its  first  commercial
        mission will  launch  mid-2020  on an   on our goal to  deliver customer-focused   satellite, named Sequoia,  on a  SpaceX
        Electron launch vehicle from Rocket Lab’s   solutions  in a  timely manner.”  Capella   Falcon 9 rocket in late March.
        Launch  Complex  1 on New Zealand’s
        Māhia  Peninsula.  Capella  Space  will  be
        the primary payload on the Electron launch
        vehicle,  allowing Capella to select  the
        specific orbit and launch timeline. Capella
        Space  said the the  satellite positioning
        to a  45 degree  inclination  will  maximize
        coverage over the Middle East,  Korea,
        Japan,  South  East  Asia, Africa, and the
        U.S.  Christian Lenz, Capella Space  vice
        president  of Engineering,  said  the mid-
        inclination orbit is in response to customer
        needs.   “At  Capella  Space,  we  help our
        customers  solve some of the world’s
        biggest and most  complex  problems –
        from climate change  to infrastructure

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