Page 63 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
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        •  Web security is another  stand-alone   There  are optional  features  available  to   office). When an employee sends an email
          cloud-based  service which makes   our customers to  enhance  protection,   or  browses the web, they  are    accessing
          sure that users are safe and that they   like the new Business Edge  offering   data  on the cloud. If  companies  do not
          are following  the company  policies   including secured broadband connectivity   apply cloud-based security solutions a
          wherever they are.                 due  to Etisalat’s in-country cloud  next   large part of their critical daily activities are
                                             generation firewall capabilities. Customers   exposed and become vulnerable.
           Cybersecurity      today     is   can increase protection  based on their   Etisalat  aims  to  provide cloud-based
                                             business needs and opt for added security
           an  essential  part  of  the      features, which are fully managed from our   security  wherever  there  is  reliable
           technology framework and          unified operations centres.         technology  and  market  acceptance.
           a top priority for  continued     Subscriber-based  solutions  help manage   Services that  power Etisalat’s  cloud
                                                                                 firewall, Web security, and DDOS protection,
           business success. With the        investments                         among others are  testimony of  services
           changing threat landscape         Cybersecurity today is an essential part of   moving to the cloud.   Solutions  that  are
                                             the technology framework and a top priority
                                                                                 on devices (endpoint security), even have
           and the need for continuous       for  continued business success. With the   connection to the cloud from time to time
           investments,         Etisalat’s   changing  threat landscape  and the need   for threat intelligence updates.
                                             for continuous investments,  Etisalat’s
           SMB  security  solutions          SMB security solutions enable customers
           enable customers to enjoy         to  enjoy  enterprise level protection with   With  a vast  majority  of
           enterprise  level  protection     subscription  based security solutions.   SMBs  looking  at  bringing
                                             This monthly subscription does not require
           with  subscription  based         significant  CAPEX  investments  and  is  in   business   value     by
           security solutions.               line with the current industry trend that is   focusing on efficiency and
                                             moving towards subscriber-based model.  affordability, we at Etisalat

        Telco’s increasing  role  in  cyber security   A large number of the technology network   work  closely  with  these
        services                             providers require upfront investments   customers  by  delivering
        While most SMBs are aware of the cyber-  therefore this  solution  is  a  relief for an   customised   services
        security risks,  the  biggest challenge  they   SMB. In a typical scenario they would have
        face is  the rising number  of targeted   to  purchase  a  firewall  which  will  include   targeting  their  business
        attacks with increased complexity. Telco’s   paying for the expensive hardware and   requirements...
        play an important role as a trusted service   deployment costs (capex), besides annual
        partner that provides them access to the   license subscriptions and maintenance.
        best-of-breed security technologies “as a                                Bringing business value for SMBs
        service”.                            Etisalat makes it easier for a customer to   With  a  vast  majority  of SMBs  looking at
                                             access these services in  bundles  where   bringing  business  value by focusing  on
        According to industry reports, 46 percent   they  pay  only a  monthly fee for internet   efficiency and affordability, we at Etisalat
        of SMBs have experienced cyber-security   connectivity  and  a cloud  firewall. Even  in   work closely with these  customers by
        incidents in the past 12 months and about   the case of endpoint security,  customers   delivering customised services  targeting
        50  percent of them are likely to  consider   usually  pay  an  annual  amount  for  five  to   their business requirements fully managed
        purchasing  cyber-security  services from   ten  licenses whereas at Etisalat the  plan   from a  state-of-the-art  operation center
        their telecom operators. (*1)        is flexible  offering  upto  one  license  for a   managed  by  certified  professionals  with
                                             month.                              flexible  financial  models  making  it  easier
        Etisalat  considers  security  as  an integral                           to  configure  business  solutions  that
        part  of its  service framework and   Moving towards cloud based security  reflect on the smooth functioning of their
        has embedded fundamental security    Every  customer  who interacts on the   business.
        capabilities within each offering to comply   internet is in a way or another already using
        with  the highest security standards.   the cloud (i.e.  infrastructure outside its

        *1-Understanding the cyber-security solutions market for SMBs

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