Page 13 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 13
HE Majed Al Mesmar believes that the
“challenges posed by the current situations “The UAE’s interest has been culminated in a number
are too great to deal with in silos. If the
essence of the ICT sector is to build of strategic projects, including the establishment
bridges of communication between people, of a comprehensive optical fiber infrastructure,
then we should strengthen those bridges
to understand the present and shape the the establishment of the first e-government in the
region, and achieving leading positions in many
As the UAE treads a fulfilling path toward relevant global ICT indicators.”
sustainable digital transformation, TDRA
continues to foster a culture of stakeholder Eng. Majed Sultan Al Mesmar, DG, TDRA
collaboration within the UAE and the
region, while acknowledging the efforts quick and easy access to government and
As the UAE treads a ful- of global industry bodies, such as the ITU non-government services by various seg-
filling path toward sus- and regional bodies such as the SAMENA ments of customers around the clock. The
number of beneficiaries of UAE Pass appli-
Council, to help fulfill a prolific digital
tainable digital transfor- vision. In the words of TDRA DG, “The cation has exceeded 5 million people.
mation, TDRA continues UAE’s interest has been culminated in a TDRA oversees the telecommunications
number of strategic projects, including the
to foster a culture of establishment of a comprehensive optical and digital government sectors in
stakeholder collabora- fiber infrastructure, the establishment the UAE in accordance issued the
of the first e-government in the region,
tion within the UAE and and achieving leading positions in many Federal Decree No. (3) of 2003 and its
the region, while ac- relevant global ICT indicators.” amendments, and in accordance with the
Decree No. (23) issued on 27 September
knowledging the efforts As well-recognized enabler of digital trans- 2020 amending provisions of Federal Law
of global industry bod- formation at the federal level, including the by No. (3) of 2003 on the regulation of the
telecommunication sector, and the addition
development of core digital enablers such
ies, such as the ITU and as UAE Pass, FedNet, and the digital veri- of "digital government" to the functions
regional bodies such as fication platform (UAE Verify), TDRA has and name of the authority. Leading TDRA’s
efforts is the Board of Directors, Director
launched numerous initiatives, including
the SAMENA Council, to the UAE Pass, which is a comprehensive General, and Deputy Directors-General
help fulfill a prolific digi- national digital initiative brought to life in for the three sectors: Telecommunication
partnership with Abu Dhabi Digital Author-
Sector, Information and Digital Government
tal vision. ity and Digital Dubai. It aims to provide Sector, and Support Service Sector.