Page 98 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
P. 98



        Data Privacy Importance at stc

        Data privacy is the concept that governs the activities of accessing,
        handling  and storing the sensitive information  or data.  With
        different levels of data criticality, to organizations all the time will
        be the most sensitive are the personally identifiable information
        (PII) of any category (customer, employee, citizen…).
           Protecting  the  privacy of  stc customer’s

           personal  data is equal  to securing  our
           customers  trust.  There is no room for
           toleration,  we  are  committed  to  it  to  the
           farthest extent.

        While data  protection  covers all  the aspects Data  privacy  is  a
        subcategory which  cover the  ethical  and legal obligations  to
        control the access to the PII information.

        Importance of data privacy
        The phrase “data is the new oil” With the fact of Data is the crown
        jewels to any business and organization at

        Nowadays digital era, makes the protection and privacy of these
        jewels is  one  of the most critical  missions at  the organization
        level, while Data is the business to some organizations, it is the
        source of competitive advantage and the core operations asset
        to others.
                                                                Issa Al Suwait
        There  are  many  drivers  for  why  data  privacy  has  significant   Cyber Security General Manager
        importance to all organizations.                        stc Kuwait

        The main drivers are:
        •  Business continuity dependent on data security and privacy
        •  Business image and reputation
        •  Regulations and compliance requirements.
        •  Organization code of ethics
        •  A professional mature privacy policy gives the edge  over
        •  Mitigation of the data breaches involved Risks

        Why data privacy is critical to Telecom operators?
        Telecom operators are one of the biggest collectors of sensitive
        information  at  the  country  level.  With  millions  of  customer’s
        personally  identifiable  information  (PII)  and  their  financial
        information  of payments and transactions, telecom  companies
        are constantly targeted by cybercriminals.

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