Page 77 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
P. 77


        Turks and Caicos Completes Telecommunications Emergency Preparedness

        and Response Policy

        The  Turks  and  Caicos  Islands’  Telecom-  network, with restoration taking up to ten   four  phases  of  disasters  defined  by  the
        munications  Commission  (TCTC)  has   days. Loss of communications during the   International Telecommunication  Union
        developed   a     Telecommunications  disaster impacted the rescue and recovery   (ITU):  mitigation,  preparedness,  response
        Emergency  Preparedness  and  Response   efforts, leaving the government unable to   and  recovery.  The  TCTC  and  Cenerva
        Policy  (TEPRP)  supported  by  industry   communicate  with citizens and lacking   worked with key stakeholders to create the
        specialist Cenerva. The Category 5 hurri-  coordination of emergency  services.   new policy to ensure telecoms  operators
        canes Irma and Maria in 2017 resulted in   The  TEPRP  lays  out  new  obligations  on   have plans in place for disaster recovery,
        substantial damage to Turks and Caicos’   telecoms  network operators,  designed   intended  to keep networks operational.
        telecommunications infrastructure. Signif-  to  facilitate  a  coordinated response in   This includes  requirements  for  backup
        icant network  and infrastructure damage   emergency  situations and support the   facilities which can be deployed quickly
        resulted in the loss of connectivity between   continuity of communications. The policy   and support  for key  government  and
        the Islands and outage  to the mobile   identifies obligations that apply across the   emergency communications channels.

        Banglalink  Acquires Additional

        Spectrum in 2300MHz Band

        Banglalink  has  acquired  40MHz  of  spectrum  in  the
        2300MHz  band  at  an  auction  held  by  the  Bangladesh
        Telecommunication  Regulatory  Commission  (BTRC).
        Banglalink’s  CEO  Erik  Aas  said:  ‘We  congratulate  the
        BTRC on successfully conducting the spectrum auction.
        It is an important step for the industry, as the availability
        of more spectrum will result in better internet speed and
        quality digital services for citizens of Bangladesh. In
        keeping with our objective – 4G for all, not 5G for a few,
        we intend to utilize the new spectrum primarily for 4G in
        next two-three years.’ Banglalink is aiming to build 3,000
        mobile towers this year to boost its 4G coverage.

        Saudi Arabia, Egypt Sign MoU on Digital Transformation

        Egypt’s  National  Telecom  Regulatory  Authority  has  signed  a   tion with the Saudi Communications and Information Technology
        memorandum of understanding in the field of digital transforma-  Commission. The memorandum serves to work on cooperation
                                                               and exchange of experiences in the field of smart cities, frequen-
                                                               cy spectrum management and human capacity building. It also
                                                               includes  agreements to  coordinate joint events, and to  design
                                                               training programs and workshops. According to an official Egyp-
                                                               tian statement, the signing of the memorandum comes within the
                                                               framework of strengthening cooperation between the two coun-
                                                               tries,  and  attracting  investment  in  Egypt’s  telecommunications
                                                               market. The memorandum was signed by Hossam El-Gamal, CEO
                                                               of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority, and Muhammad Al-
                                                               Tamimi, governor of the Saudi Communications and Information
                                                               Technology Commission. It was signed in the presence of Ahmed
                                                               Ihab Gamal El-Din, Egypt’s permanent representative to the UN,
                                                               and his Saudi counterpart Abdulaziz Al-Wasel. The signing took
                                                               place on the sidelines of the World Conference on Telecommuni-
                                                               cation Measurements Standards in Geneva.

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