Page 75 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
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        Saudi Arabia Chairs International Telecom Meeting on Internet Services

        Saudi Arabia recently chaired an influential   Authority, Majed Al-Mazyad, and attended   team, headed by  Saudi Arabia, in  helping
        global  telecom  working  group  examining   by ITU Secretary General, Houlin Zhao, his   to  strengthen  joint cooperation  between
        issues related to internet  services and   Deputy  Malcolm  Johnson,  Union  Sector   member  states  to  raise  the  efficiency  of
        technologies  and their usage around   Managers, and representatives of member   internet  use around the world.  The team
        the world.  Since its  formation  in 2009,   states.  During  a  review  of  a  final  report   conducted  10 international  consultations
        the Kingdom  has presided  over the   on  internet  and technology  services,  Al-  on more than 20  topics on  internet-
        International  Telecommunication  Union’s   Mazyad  highlighted  recommendations   related public policy issues and discussed
        council working group meeting on internet-  linked to  enhancing  online  security,  the   in  excess  of  400  working  papers  from
        related public policy issues. Held in Geneva,   use of new and emerging international   government  agencies,  the private  sector,
        the  meeting  was  headed  by  Governor   technologies, and recent trends. The report   civil society, and academia from more than
        of  the  Saudi  National  Cybersecurity   also noted the achievements of a specialist   50 countries.

        CITC Launches Phase II of Saudi Domain Name Registrars Accreditation

        The  Communications  and  Information   domain names.  For those seeking to
        Technology  Commission  (CITC)  of  Saudi   become   accredited   Registrars,   CITC
        Arabia launches the second phase of the   encourages those seeking the position to
        Registrar Accreditation for Saudi Domain   fill the information required on the website:
        Names, which aims  to  enable Saudi, as the  application period  is
        companies  operating in the IT sector  to   open  and not limited in time. It  is worth
        invest in Saudi domain names and related   noting that the first phase resulted in the
        services, which takes  effect on Sunday,   accreditation of several Registrars to
        March 6, 2022. The Commission seeks to   provide Saudi domain name registration
        enhance the Saudi domain name services   services, such as The Arabian Internet and
        industry through accredited Registrars and   Communications  Services  Co.  (Solutions
        allocated national  companies  specialized   by  STC),  NourNet,  Sahara  Net,  Raqmiyat
        in  Internet services and domain  names,   LLC, and Hawsabah.
        as  well as  increase the use of Saudi

        Telenor Completes Myanmar Exit

        Telenor  finalized  the  sale  of  its  unit  in   “reclassification  of  accumulated  losses”   at a time of an uncertain political situation
        Myanmar to M1 Group for $105 million and   on the division for items it had previously   in  the country,  though  questions  on the
        indicated  it  would  book additional  losses   accounted for. It added although the initial   likelihood  of its completion  were raised
        related to the now divested business in its   sum from the sale would be added to its   several times in media,  as  authorities
        Q1  financial  results.  The  operator  group   balance sheet in its upcoming results: “Due   reportedly wanted a local buyer to take
        has  already  received  $50  million  for  the   to the uncertain situation in Myanmar, the   charge of the business. The deal was
        business with the remainder to be paid over   deferred payment will not be recognized in   eventually  cleared  earlier  this month  on
        installments over the next five years. In its   the accounts at closing.” The company is   the condition a  Myanmar-based  partner
        statement, Telenor indicated it would book   due to report its Q1 results in May. Telenor   was lined up by Lebanon-based M1 Group
        a financial hit in its Q1 2022 results on the   announced the proposed sale in July 2021   post-closing.

        3G/4G Users Reach 111 Million in Pakistan

        The  number  of  3G  and  4G  service  users  in  Pakistan  has   Pakistan has around 192 million mobile phone users. The number
        significantly increased and reached 111 million by end of February   of broadband subscribers reached 114 million in February while
        2022. As per detail available on the official site of the PTA website,   the broadband penetration was recorded at 52.02 percent.

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