Page 76 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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        Meridiam Signs FTTH Wholesale Agreement with Vodafone

        French  investor Meridiam  has  announced
        a  wholesale  arrangement  with  Vodafone
        Germany  to  deploy  fiber-to-the-home
        (FTTH)   networks  across   different
        municipalities in the country outside of the
        operator’s  existing  gigabit cable footprint.
        Under the  partnership,  Meridiam has
        begun deploying fiber in seven underserved
        regions, reaching homes currently without
        access  to  gigabit  connectivity,  with  an
        expected  completion date  by the  end  of
        2024.  The  investor aims  to deploy FTTH
        networks for  500,000  homes  passed
        in  underserved  areas  over  the  next  five
        years, and  Vodafone will  market  gigabit
        broadband to these  potential  customers.
        The project will be financed through a 30-  Meridiam initiated its fiber strategy in 2020,   and North  America (the  US  and Canada)
        year long-term bond, amounting to EUR100   and since then has invested close to EUR2   to  connect  people  to  high  quality  fiber
        million  (USD111.4  million),  arranged  by   billion in the digital infrastructure sector in   networks  and  contribute  to reducing  the
        MEAG on behalf of institutional investors.   Europe  (Germany, Austria  and  Romania)   digital divide.

        Asterion-Owned Olin Group Looking to Build Wholesale Telco After Snapping
        Up Ten Regional Operators

        Spanish  investment  fund   Asterion  35  municipalities  and  more  than  900,000   in  Olin  Group a  platform of 1.6  million
        Industrial  Partners  is  looking  to use  its   homes passed  (acquired  in  partnership   connected homes and  close  to 6,000km
        recently  acquired  fiber  assets  to  create   with  Teras Capital)  – and established   of fiber – which will only increase once the
        a  wholesale  fiber  company  capable  of   a  fiber  start-up,  Olin  Group,  which  is   seven  pre-agreements  are completed.  Its
        taking  on  Telefonica.  Since  June  2022   reportedly  in  the  process  of  acquiring   XGS-PON-powered  network  is  capable  of
        the fund has purchased no fewer than ten   a  further seven telcos  before  the  year   delivering speeds of up to 10Gbps, and it
        regional  operators  –  such  as  Olivenet,  a   end.  According  to the  online  news portal   is reportedly looking to open up more than
        regional telecom provider that operates in   Expansion,  the  investment  group, created   half  its  footprint  to third-party  operators
        Andalucia with a presence in approximately   by the  entrepreneur Jesus  Olmos, has   during the course of 2023.

        CityFibre Announces Launch of 2.5Gbps Wholesale Product

                                             British  full  fiber  infrastructure  operator   90%  of  its  fibre  exchanges  with  the  new
                                             CityFibre has launched what it claims is the   2.5Gbps  product  becoming available  to
                                             UK’s  first  wholesale  2.5Gbps  symmetrical   around 20% of its ready for service footprint
                                             consumer broadband  product. According   –  which  currently  stands  at  2.5  million
                                             to CityFibre, the new wholesale offering is   premises.  Meanwhile,  multi-gig  speeds
                                             being  made  available  to its  ISP partners   will  also  reportedly  be  made  available for
                                             on a rolling basis, starting in the operator’s   premises  where  CityFibre’s  network is  yet
                                             ‘most mature’ XGS-PON deployment areas.   to be upgraded to XGS-PON. According to
                                             It  says  it  expects  the  2.5Gbps  wholesale   the  operator such  a  development  will  be
                                             product to be  available  at  all  premises   achieved  via a  2Gbps/1Gbps  asymmetric
                                             served by its ‘rapidly expanding’ XGS-PON   GPON  product that  it  plans  to  launch  in
                                             platform ‘in the coming months’. CityFibre   the  coming  months.  These  services  will
                                             notes that by the end of 2023 it aims to have   ultimately  be  migrated  to  the  XGS-PON
                                             deployed its XGS-PON equipment into over   platform when available.
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