Page 47 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
P. 47



        5G Drives the Development of Digital Economy and

        Industry 4.0

                                             is now having a huge impact on traditionally   response  times  and  enables  paramedics
                                             conservative industries, like healthcare and   to offer the same emergency treatments as
                                             financial services, and on legacy industries   patients would receive in the hospital itself.
                                             like forestry, energy and shipping.   With China Mobile's extensive 5G network
                                                                                 and very low latency, a patient’s data can
        5G technology is driving the development   5G-enabled  healthcare  applications  range   be transmitted to the hospital in real-time
        of the  digital  economy  and  transforming   from autonomous  healthcare  robots   while they are in transit. This ensures more
        society  in  unprecedented  ways.  With  its   in  hospitals  to patient  monitoring with   accurate diagnosis and faster treatment.
        high-speed  connectivity, low latency,  and   wearable  devices  and  telemedicine  using
        ability  to support  a range  of applications,   cloud video streaming.  Another  traditional  industry  benefiting
        5G  enables  digital  applications  that                                 from 5G is  forestry. Also in  Guizhou, 5G
        interconnect people, organizations  and   A  hospital  in  Southwest  China  installed   technology  is  being  deployed  to monitor
        machines, creating  new opportunities  for   5G  networks  to  support  a  host  of new   the  forest  around the  clock  and provide
        innovation and growth.               services,  including  a  fleet  of  connected   alerts  whenever  a  potential  fire  hazard  is
                                             ambulances.  Combining  an  integrated   identified. This helps to prevent and manage
        As the foundation of enterprise digitalization   information  platform  and  intelligent  forest  fires,  supporting  forest  protection
        and  Industry  4.0,  5G  technology  fuels  the   onboard  equipment,  the  system  reduces   workers  and  safeguarding  people,  wildlife
        high-speed flow of information and creates
        value via information technology integration
        and intelligent business transformation. It

           China  Mobile  is a pioneer
           in creating 5G applications
           for  industry. With the
           convergence  of  AI,  the
           Internet  of Things,  cloud
           computing        and     other
           technologies on 5G, China

           Mobile  is working  with  a
           variety  of industry players
           in    China     and    around
           the  world  to drive the
           development of the digital
           economy,       nurture      the
           growth of Industry 4.0 and
           help build a community of
           shared future.

                                                                                                  47  JULY-AUGUST 2023
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