Page 51 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
P. 51
UAE Cyber Security Council, Injazat Collaborate to Improve Cyber-Attack
Detection and Response
The UAE National Cyber Security Council
and Injazat, the UAE’s home-grown tech-
nology champion in digital transformation,
cloud, and cyber security, today announced
the signing of a strategic Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with the aim for fur-
ther improving coordination and response
time to potential cyber-attacks in the UAE.
The MoU was signed by Ussama Dahabi-
yeh, Chief Executive Officer at Injazat and
Mohammed Hamad Al-Kuwaiti, Head of
Cybersecurity for the Government of the
UAE, at Intersec, the largest security exhi-
bition in the Middle East region, currently
underway in Dubai. The MoU will enable
all government and semi-government en- involve cyber threat intelligence, threat to further collaborations in the future." For
tities to be safeguarded by Injazat’s Cyber defense operations and digital forensics, his part, Dahabiyeh said, "As the digital en-
Fusion Centre’s ‘Detection and Response’ offering an integrated view of the continu- abler and technology champion of the UAE,
services. Underlining the UAE’s proactive ally evolving threat landscape with contex- we are delighted that such a strategic and
approach to addressing the challenges tualized and actionable data at the council significant partnership will help further
caused by rapid digital technological de- level to help make informed decisions and the digital advancements goals set out by
velopment, the MoU will allow Injazat to responses. Highlighting the importance of the government. Today’s announcement Draft
provide standardized ‘Detection and Re- the partnership, Al Kuwaiti said, "Maintain- is a testament to Injazat’s expertise and
sponse’ services to all government enti- ing business continuity in strategic sec- commitment towards developing and de-
ties at competitive rates and also train and tors is a top priority in the council's strat- ploying next-generation cyber capabilities
equip UAE nationals in cyber security. In egy to confront suspicious cyber-attacks and solutions that are intelligence-driven,
addition, it will enable Injazat to co-create proactively and with high efficiency. In- collaborative, and automated for counter-
and developfuture-facing cyber defense jazat’s state-of-the-art Cyber Fusion Cen- ing advanced security threats. Given the
products to proactively mitigate cyber ter will centralize and streamline incident growing complexity of cyber-attacks and
risks and secure the digital infrastructure detection, enable coordinated responses, how interconnected our systems are, a
of the UAE, enhancing local and region- and provide a unified approach to neutral- proactive and single integrated function is
al cyber security capabilities as well as ize potential threats which is an absolute essential to ensure the cyber resilience of
demonstrating leading practice. The MoU necessity today when countering cyber- our critical infrastructure. This agreement
will help ensure business continuity and crimes. The fact that we are able to pro- between the Injazat and the National Cy-
digital protection while supporting the vi- tect and strengthen the readiness of our bersecurity Council will be beneficial in the
tally important national sectors to achieve relevant authorities and sectors through areas of cyber threat intelligence sharing,
total digital transformation. The "Detec- a home-grown entity gives me immense cybersecurity exercises, national talent
tion and Response" services would also pleasure and pride and we look forward development, and will also help cement
what is already a strong and fruitful part-
nership between the two organizations."
Injazat launched the region’s first-ever
Cyber Fusion Centre (CFC) in June 2020
to boost protection against data breaches
and cyber-attacks. The CFC stands apart
from any competitor in its radically differ-
ent approach to cyber defense by proac-
tively managing advanced threats, unlike
traditional Security Operations Centers,
which is more focused on identifying and
reacting to incidents. Cyber Fusion Cen-
ters also help organizations streamline
their systems and assimilate information
into actionable strategies and tactics while
improving productivity and reducing costs.
51 JANUARY 2022