Page 19 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
P. 19


                                                                                 Labs.  While the  Labs  incubate,  the Oasis
                                                                                 showcases the potential of frontier digital
                                                                                 technologies  while the smart  store is  a
                                                                                 real-world application of innovation. I once
                                                                                 again congratulate  Omantel  as  well  as
                                                                                 the start-ups.” Talal  bin Said Al Mamari,
                                                                                 CEO, Omantel said, “We are excited and
                                                                                 proud of  these  launches. The  Omantel
                                                                                 Innovation Labs  are a  platform  that  will
                                                                                 channelize the Company’s resources in a
                                                                                 way that they are invested in the growth of
                                                                                 Oman’s  tech entrepreneurial  domain.  We
                                                                                 are aligned with the goals of Oman Vision
                                                                                 2040.  The  Labs are a vital  component
                                                                                 in our  journey towards a digital future.
                                                                                 They  will  put expertise in the right and
                                                                                 deserving start-ups that  are looking to
                                                                                 push the boundaries of economic growth
        – Ecosystem, Innovation and Investment.   Omani  tech  entrepreneurs  and pave the   through self-reliance, riding on technology.
        It aims to create an ecosystem of partners   way for Omani companies  to lead the   We wish the start-ups the best and I am
        that can catalyze the rapid growth of   digital transformation in the sultanate.   sure that it will be a symbiotic relationship
        technology  start-ups  in  Oman;  develop   E-Dukaan  at  the Omantel headquarters   where we learn and gain from each other.
        a platform that can identify  and support   is  powered  by  artificial  intelligence  and   We look forward to more local innovation
        relevant innovations in Oman to maintain   IoT.  It brings  queue-free,  cashless, grab-  through  Omantel Innovation Labs.” He
        Omantel’s  prominent position  as  the   and-go  shopping experience  and is an   added,  “We want  the world to know that
        leader  in technology  and identify  and   example of how important sectors of the   5G has more applications than perceived.
        invest in a  portfolio of start-ups that   economy  can function  seamlessly and   E-Dukaan  is  an  initiative Omantel is  very
        are strategically  aligned with  Omantel’s   efficiently  using  IoT.  Shoppers  can  walk   proud  of  as  it  is  the  first  smart  store  in
        strategic growth plan. Participating start-  out with  their items, without having to   the entire  Middle East.  Omantel  provided
        ups benefit from a 1,100 sqm space that   get their  purchases  scanned  for prices   the necessary  smart  technologies while
        inspires and promotes knowledge-sharing   at  the counter  or having to  deal with   OOMCO  introduced  a  mix of products
        and co-working  within themselves and   physical money or bank cards. AI sensors   compatible with the technologies used in
        with Omantel teams.  The space has   automatically detect items in the shopping   the store. We are certain that  shoppers
        nine well-equipped meeting  rooms, a   basket and bill the customer directly from   will  enjoy the  experience.”  Five Omani
        community  square,  a hardware lab, co-  his virtual wallet through an App. The store   start-ups are already honing their market
        working space and individual offices. The   has  no billing counters  or cashiers. His   preparedness  under Omantel  Innovation
        space  will  not just host the tech  start-  Highness Sayyid Dr Fahad bin Al Julanda Al   Labs’  Accelerator Program designed  in
        ups but also  be the venue  for  multiple   Said commented, “I congratulate Omantel   collaboration  with local and international
        ecosystem activities that engage and link   on these path-breaking launches. They are   partners. The program is  tailored to the
        them with corporate partners, academia,   yet another step towards realizing Oman’s   needs  of  each participating start-up  to
        investors and government  entities.  The   digital future and economic diversification   ensure that  they  commercialize, grow
        Omantel Innovation Oasis  is a showcase   objectives and align with Oman Vision 2040   rapidly, and scale effectively, while ensuring
        of uses of 5G technology and other frontier   objectives. Seeing these start-ups harness   the technical feasibility, market desirability,
        technologies. It complements the Omantel   frontier  technologies under  Omantel   and financial viability of their products and
        Innovation Labs as a place where incubated   Innovation Labs and contribute towards   operations. The companies are Autoplant
        tech start-ups  can potentially showcase   national growth while being  examples of   an AI and IoT solutions  for the farming
        their innovations in the future. The   entrepreneurial spirit  gives  us  immense   industry  to  improve agricultural  decision
        Innovation Labs will  organize, participate   pride. I have complete faith and confidence   making,  Lamma,  Oman’s  first  super  app,
        in, and host multiple activities to support   in the sharp young  Omani  minds. They   a  unified  communication  platform  with
        Omantel’s  internal  innovation  agenda by   have the talent, and Omantel is playing   payment integration, Mamun, an embedded
        providing systematic spaces, approaches,   the  enabler by guiding  and shaping  their   credit,  payments & insurance platform,
        events and activities that can accelerate   ideas into successful, profitable ventures.”   Pixel Tech, a subscription-based tool that
        product conceptualization, prototyping,   His  Highness  Sayyid Dr.  Fahad bin Al   allows sellers in the GCC to easily set up
        testing  and deployment of solutions  to   Julanda Al Said further said, “The parallel   digital stores and sell their products online
        Oman and Omantel-centric  challenges.   launch of  Omantel  Innovation  Oasis  and   and, a platform that connects
        Both the Innovation Labs and the Omantel   E-Dukaan  underscore  their symbiosis   patients with clinics and therapists.
        Innovation Oasis will unable and empower   and synergy  with  Omantel  Innovation

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