Page 29 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
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        strides in Asia Pacific, growing its business   dynamic region,”  Arjun said.  “Asia  is  the   one of the top 25 consultants globally by
        in  every  market  and cementing  its  place   engine  room  for the  global  economy and   consulting  magazine for “excellence  in
        as  the leading  strategic  operations and   this new decade will present  even  more   leadership,” and for the work he has done
        transformation  partner in the region.   change  and opportunities for growth for   establishing and growing Kearney’s Digital
        Arjun’s  appointment  marks  his  return to   our clients  in the region  and worldwide.   Transformation Practice, the firm’s digital
        Asia where he started his consulting career   Kearney brings a unique mix of expertise   experience labs, and its vibrant ecosystem
        in March 2000 as a consultant in Kearney’s   and empathy to help companies navigate   of alliance partners in digital.  Arjun has
        New Delhi office. In 2005, Arjun moved to   this evolving  business  environment”.   begun  transitioning into the regional  role
        New York where he made partner and later   Arjun  earned  an MBA  from the Indian   effective January 1, 2020. He is a member
        appointed  as the  Global and Americas   Institute of Management  in Calcutta and   of Kearney’s Operating  Committee and
        Lead for the Digital Transformation   a  bachelor’s  in engineering  from Motilal   will maintain his role as Vice Chair of the
        Practice. “I am excited to take on this role   Nehru  National  Institute of Technology   Digital Transformation Practice.
        leading our business in such a diverse and   in Allahabad, India.  He  was  selected  as

                                             BCG Advances to Top Position in ALM Intelligence


        ALM Intelligence  has named  Boston   addition, BCG  “continued  to  innovate   new approach is highly programmable to
        Consulting  Group (BCG) the  number  one   diverse  approaches  to  organization  unique client needs using a comprehensive
        firm  in  organization  strategy  consulting   design.” Adds ALM, “the firm’s research on   set of tools for changing structures, roles,
        worldwide. The latest  edition  of The   organization strategy fuels this  market-  and ways of working,  as well as building
        ALM Vanguard of Organization  Strategy   centric  innovation capability at  the same   leadership and culture.
        Consultants, which ranks the world’s major   time as it ensures client services are on the   Best-in-Class Again for Enabling Tools
        consultancies  in  terms  of their ability   leading edge of trends in the space.”  BCG was also chosen “best-in-class” in the
        to create client impact, has ranked BCG   New Org Design  Approaches  Bring   category  “enabling tools” for the second
        number  one  across all  three dimensions   Strategic Value               year running.  The choice  was  based on
        considered: depth of capabilities, breadth   These new approaches, under the heading   the  strength  of BCG’s proprietary tools
        of  capabilities, and client impact.  The   Org  Design 3.0,  “apply the theoretical   that  underpin  its  organization strategy
        top-ranked  tier of consultancies in the   foundations  of Smart Simplicity to meet   consulting  methodologies.  According
        study—the  ALM Vanguard leaders—are   clients’  evolving needs  for becoming   to ALM, “BCG further stands out for its
        at the pinnacle of the market in terms of   more agile, digital, purpose-driven, and   ability to connect  the products,  services,
        their ability to create client impact through   zero-based  (i.e.,  cost  effective).”  “Being   and  capabilities  of  the  firm’s  broader
        their depth  and breadth  of expertise and   able to take a  fresh,  deeper, and more   ecosystem in a people- and organization-
        deploy  that  expertise  across  a  range of   comprehensive approach  to organization   focused  ecosystem  that leverages  data
        engagement models. BCG earned the best   design  creates powerful opportunities   and emerging  technologies  to implement
        composite  performance  ranking of the   to  change the trajectory  of a  business   large-scale  organization strategies.” As
        29 firms featured in the study. It won the   and boost performance,”  notes Andrew   Kevin Kelley, a BCG partner and software
        highest rating (“very strong”) in four of the   Toma, a senior  partner  and global leader   and  data  product  leader  for  the  firm’s
        nine provider capabilities (external market   of organization design  and support   People  &  Organization  practice,  points
        insight, strategy, management system, and   functions at BCG. “This new way of looking   out,  “The scope of reorganization has
        enabling tools) and the next-highest rating   at  organization redesign  is  especially   grown, and developing structure and talent
        (“strong”) in the remaining five categories   helpful for executives who are faced with   solutions and implementing the associated
        (needs assessment, internal client insight,   intensifying competition, evolving business   reorganizations  have  become  more
        operating  system, project management,   models, and complex technologies.” Smart   complex. Driving change at scale requires
        and client  capability development).  The   Simplicity is a  set of principles  designed   a  broader  and deeper  reorganization
        firm  improved  its  leading  position  of  the   to reduce complexity and shape behaviors   than ever before. The right organizational
        past  two  years,  notes ALM,  as  a  result   by making people more autonomous and   design  and data management  tools and
        of “superior  utilization of ecosystem   collaborative problem-solvers. BCG has   capabilities  are therefore critical for
        capabilities and strategic partnerships   enhanced its approach to Smart Simplicity   avoiding  common  pitfalls and ensuring
        that extend  [BCG’s]  breadth  of analytics   through its Org Design 3.0 approach, built   that firms achieve their objectives in these
        and implementation  capabilities.” In   on the foundation of Org Design 2.0. This   difficult projects.”

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