Page 70 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 70


        GCC States 'Taking Steps to Enhance Cybersecurity'

        Amid  increasing  cyberattacks,  countries   cal instability  further  driving  vulnerability   the region continues to navigate the glob-
        in the GCC are taking measurable steps to   across  key sectors.  The  detailed  report,   al overhaul of technology, countries in the
        enhance  their  cybersecurity systems,  ac-  titled  ‘Middle  East  Cybersecurity: Explor-  Middle  East  are  taking  measurable  steps
        cording  to a new report. The  United  Arab   ing  the  Middle  East  Cybersecurity  Market   to enhance their cybersecurity posture.
        Emirates  (UAE) actively repelled  more   Potential’,  was released  ahead  of GISEC   Setting  up  cyber-specific  departments
        than  50,000  cyberattacks  daily  in  2023,   Global 2024 – the Middle East and Africa’s   and innovation centers, driving awareness
        according to the UAE Cybersecurity Coun-  largest  and  most  impactful cybersecurity   through educational campaigns and train-
        cil. In the first three quarters of the same   super-connector, which  returns  to Dubai   ing programmes, and promoting entrepre-
        year, the  country  successfully  prevented   World Trade Centre from April 23 to 25. In   neurship  through  cybersecurity confer-
        over 71 million attempted attacks in total.   collaboration with Frost & Sullivan, it aims   ences are just some of the ways that the
        These findings, highlighted in a report from   to identify  the  challenges  and  opportuni-  region  is  equipping  the  next  generation
        analysts  Frost  &  Sullivan  (F&S),  show  the   ties facing the region’s expanding industry.   and bridging the existing skills gap. In fact,
        exponential  growth of the  region’s  cyber-  In  the  UAE  and  Saudi  Arabia,  specifically,   as per the ITU Global Cybersecurity Index
        security  landscape  –  and  serve  as  a  so-  there has  been  a dramatic uptick in  the   2020  highlighted  in  the  report,  Saudi  Ara-
        bering  reminder  of the  rising  threats  that   adoption of technology across the finance,   bia has ranked second, and the UAE fifth,
        accompany  it.  As  the  GCC  cybersecurity   healthcare,  and  manufacturing  sectors,   among 194  participating  countries, indi-
        industry continues  to grow  – with  F&S   further boosting the need for cybersecurity   cating  that  both  countries  have  taken  ex-
        estimating  it  to triple  in  value  by 2030  to   and robust  regulatory frameworks.  Con-  tensive  measures  in  terms  of regulatory
        reach $13.4 billion – countries like the UAE   tributing to the existing challenges with in-  approaches. As a result, they have become
        and Saudi Arabia continue to reduce their   creased reliance on technology are issues   destinations  of choice for academics,
        dependence on oil exports and are instead   around awareness and a scarcity of skilled   businesses, research, and innovation, with
        diversifying into other technology sectors.   professionals,  as  well  as  a  lack  of  clarity   the  UAE  government  launching  the  first
        This  shift  in  economic agenda  has  made   among businesses  regarding  proactively   national  Cyber Pulse  Innovation  Centre
        businesses  increasingly  prone  to escalat-  combating cyberattacks.  In  response  to   aimed  at  upskilling  professionals  at  Abu
        ing  cyber threats, with regional geopoliti-  these industry-wide shortcomings, and as   Dhabi Polytechnic.

        Iraq, Syria Ink a Memorandum of Understanding on Telecoms

        Communications Minister  Hiam al-Yasiri   services, as well as the implementation of   and  prepare  their  executive  programmes,"
        signed  a memorandum of understanding   the  extension  of an international  optical   he  said.  The  Minister  emphasized that
        with  Syrian  Minister  of Economy and   cable  route  across  the  borders  of the   "this  agreement  will  contribute  to the
        Trade  Mohammed     Samer   al-Khalil,  two countries to exchange  telephone   development  of  services  provided  to
        including  cooperation  in  the  field  of   traffic  and  joint  coordination  to  control   citizens  in  both  countries,"  underscoring
        telecommunications,  informatics  and  digital  content  and  repel  cyber-attacks."   the  significance  of  collaboration  between
        post. "As  part of the  work  of the  Iraqi-  "The  two sides  also  agreed  to form  joint   the two nations in the fields of informatics
        Syrian committee  under the  auspices   technical  committees to follow up on the   and communications.
        of Prime Minister  Mohammed Shia Al-  implementation  of areas  of cooperation
        Sudani, Minister  of Communications
        Hiam al-Yasiri  signed  a memorandum
        of understanding with  Syrian Minister  of
        Economy and Trade Mohammed Samer Al-
        Khalil,  which included  cooperation  in  the
        fields of communications and information
        technology  and  postal  exchange  between
        the  two countries,"  said  a statement  by
        the Ministry of Communications, obtained
        by  the  Iraqi  News  Agency  (INA).  The
        statement  added  that  "the  memorandum
        of   understanding   confirmed   joint
        coordination between the Iraqi Ministry of
        Communications  and  the  Syrian  Ministry
        of Economy  to encourage  international
        connectivity, interconnection  and  postal

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