Page 68 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
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        the iGA established strategic partnerships   data  protection,  in  line  with  global  best   major cloud  computing  companies  such
        with  global ICT companies, including   practices. These policies lay the foundation   as AWS and Microsoft being able to host
        Amazon  Web  Services  (AWS), Cisco,  and   for comprehensive cybersecurity and data   government  systems,  thereby  boosting
        Microsoft.  These  agreements provide   management,  underscoring the  kingdom's   efficiency,   accelerating   innovation,
        infrastructure,  technological  tools,  and   dedication  to cultivating  a  secure  and   and  improving  eServices.  The  iGA has
        opportunities for knowledge exchange, and   reliable  digital  environment  for all  users.   also  trained  government  employees
        support  the  iGA’s  pursuit  of eGovernance   Al Qaed emphasized the iGA's progress in   on  Microsoft's  AI tools  and  services,
        excellence.  A new set  of digital  policies   the  development  of its  cloud computing   supporting the kingdom's efforts to adopt
        were implemented  in  2023  to advance   infrastructure  through  the  configuration   AI technologies to enhance  government
        digital  transformation  and  reinforce  of  a  flexible  environment  conducive  to   services.

        Saudi Arabia Launches Digital Transformation Index 2024 Amid e-Government

        The latest edition of a framework designed   comprising 96  standards,  down from the   government  entities.  According  to the
        to  enhance  e-government  services  and   125 featured in the previous year’s version.   governor,  this  initiative  accelerates  the
        accelerate  digital  innovation  in  Saudi   In 2023, a total of 226 government entities   pace of digitalization  in  the  Kingdom,
        Arabia  has  been  launched.  The  Digital   participated  in  the  index,  collectively   enhances  beneficiary  satisfaction,  and
        Transformation Index  for  2024  seeks   achieving  a  progress  rate  of 85.53   improves  quality of life. Saudi Arabia
        to elevate  the  commitment levels  of the   percent. Furthermore, 88  such bodies   has  been  actively  pursuing  innovative
        public  sector to  decisions  and  directives   successfully advanced to the  innovation   initiatives  to modernize  its  infrastructure
        concerning  technological  evolution.  and integration stages. In the 2022 index,   and enhance its technological capabilities.
        Additionally, it  aims to improve the   government  agencies  advanced  by  80.96   The  Kingdom inaugurated  the  Industrial
        quality  of e-government  services  offered   percent, compared  to 69.39  percent  in   Artificial Intelligence Academy in February,
        to  beneficiaries  and  contribute  to  the   2021.  Ahmed Mohammed Al-Suwaiyan,   in  partnership  with  the  Saudi Data  and
        Kingdom’s  international  leadership  in  this   governor and board member of the Digital   Artificial  Intelligence  Authority  and  US-
        field, as reported by the Saudi Press Agency.   Government  Authority, highlighted  that   based  tech  firm  NVIDIA.  The  academy
        The  2024  index  was unveiled  during a   the  DTI  serves  as  a  crucial technological   highlights  the  significance  of  cultivating
        virtual  workshop organized  by tje  Saudi   empowerment tool for the transformation   skilled  national  talents  to  compete  on
        Digital Government Authority that brought   journey. He underscored that it reinforces   a global scale. Its  objective is  to equip
        together  over  2,000  specialists  from 233   the strategic objectives of e-governance in   a   generation   proficient   in   utilizing
        government entities,  as reported  by SPA.   the Kingdom, aligning seamlessly with the   industrial  AI  to  revolutionize  intelligent
        The  topics  covered  included  refining   targets outlined in Vision 2030, which aims   environments  and  processes,  while  also
        measurement  methodologies,  significant   for  Saudi Arabia to emerge as a premier   promoting partnerships with top technical
        revisions  to the  Digital  Transformation   global  leader  in  digital  administration.  Al-  organizations  to pioneer  cutting-edge
        Core  Criteria  document,  sharing  success   Suwaiyan  explained  that  the  DTI  seeks   technologies.  Saudi  Arabia  ranked  first
        stories  from DTI  2023,  and  outlining   to  fulfill  the  requisites  of  digitization,   in  the  Government  Electronic and  Mobile
        the  roadmap for  the  ongoing cycle.  The   develop  e-governance,  and  enhance  Services Maturity Index for 2023, issued by
        document has  undergone  revisions,  now   the  performance and effectiveness  of   the UN Economic and Social Commission
                                                                                 for Western  Asia,  maintaining  its  lead  for
                                                                                 the  second consecutive  time  with  a high
                                                                                 maturity score of 93 percent in the overall
                                                                                 index  result,  according  to the authority.
                                                                                 The GEMS Index categorizes 17 countries
                                                                                 annually  based  on  the  advancement  of
                                                                                 84  key government  services  offered  to
                                                                                 both individuals and  businesses  through
                                                                                 online  portals  and  smart  applications,
                                                                                 utilizing three sub-indicators. Saudi Arabia
                                                                                 has  achieved  distinction  by securing
                                                                                 the  top  position  across  all  categories,
                                                                                 accompanied  by  significant  progress  in
                                                                                 each indicator.

                                                                                               68   JANUARY-MARCH 2024
   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73