Page 55 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 55


                                             SES Signs Up Saudi’s Aramco for MEO

        Satellite operator SES has signed an MoU with Saudi Arabia’s giant   MEO craft in the shape of its mPOWER fleet. Its mPOWER 5 and
        oil  and  natural  gas  producer Aramco. As  at  2022  Aramco was   6 were launched in November 2023 and are coming online about
        the second largest company in the world based on revenue. It is   now. mPOWER 7  and  8  will  launch this  year with  4  more  to be
        based in Dharan in the kingdom’s Eastern Province. The MoU sees   launched by 2026. The signing was announced by Adel Al Doulab,
        SES and  Aramco explore  potential  collaboration  opportunities   VP/Information  Technology Infrastructure, Aramco,  and Nick
        for leveraging  high-performance  medium-Earth  orbiting  (MEO)   Roullier, VP/Middle East & Central Asia, SES, on the side-lines of
        satellite  connectivity  services,  to accelerate  Aramco’s  digital   the Riyadh LEAP 2024 conference, marking what the pair say a is
        transformation goals with 5G backhauling for their remote sites in   a pivotal step in digitalizing the operations of the energy industry.
        Saudi Arabia and across the Middle East. SES is busy adding new

        Monaco’s Public Broadcaster Partners with SES to Launch New HD Channel

        TVMonaco, the state-owned public broadcaster of the Principality   documentaries and other programming. The channel is designed
        of Monaco, signed a multi-year agreement with SES to launch and   to be  a  global  broadcast  platform with  news  and  information
        distribute its new HD channel to millions of homes across Europe   promoting  tourism and  innovations  in  Monaco as  well  as  to
        from SES’s prime TV neighborhood at 19.2 degrees East as well as   showcase Monégasque culture. “With its hybrid network and prime
        to Middle East and North Africa from MonacoSat-1 at 52 degrees   satellite locations, SES is the ideal partner to help us deliver the
        East.  TVMonaco delivers  high-quality  news,  sports,  talk  shows,   best of Monaco’s economy, culture and lifestyle to viewers across
                                                               Europe, Middle East and North Africa and eventually to the rest of
                                                               the world,” said Nathalie Biancolli, CEO of TVMonaco. “As a new
                                                               customer, TVMonaco is  tapping  into our long  history of helping
                                                               public  broadcasters  expand  into  international  markets  to  grow
                                                               their foreign audience and bolster their home country’s profile on
                                                               the  global  stage,”  said  Norbert  Hölzle,  Global  Head  of Media  at
                                                               SES. “Soon viewers in Europe, Middle East and North Africa will
                                                               have access to the latest news and information about Monaco as
                                                               a place to do business, visit on holiday or learn about its unique

                                             stc Bahrain Achieves Landmark Success as the
                                             First Telecom to Deploy the Revolutionary 5G
                                             New Calling Technology

        In a landmark success of yet another technological breakthrough,   into text, screen sharing, an interactive visual menu, and Enterprise
        stc Bahrain, the world-class digital enabler, proudly announces its   ID cards. Ahmed Alsharif, Chief Technology and Digital Officer at
        latest innovation – 5G New Calling Technology. As the first telecom   stc Bahrain said, “Our introduction of 5G New Calling technology
        operator to achieve this groundbreaking milestone, this service is   is  a testament  to our  commitment  to providing  cutting-edge
        set to revolutionize the telecommunications landscape, and enrich   solutions  that  enhance  the  lives  of  our subscribers  with  high-
        the  communications  experience  for individuals,  businesses  and   quality  calls,  instantaneous  connectivity  with  low latency,  and
        industries with its unprecedented levels of connectivity and clarity.   seamless  multi-device  usage.  Our 5G  New  Calling  is  not  just  a
        With lightning-fast speeds, improved voice quality, and unparalleled   service; it's  a  leap  into the  future  of seamless  and  immersive
        connectivity, the stc 5G New Calling service offers a glimpse into   communication, ensuring our subscribers are at the forefront of
        the future of communication technology and is set to redefine the   experiencing  advanced  communication  services.”  Transforming
        user experience. The 5G New Calling feature allows users to go   the  way subscribers  connect and  communicate,  stc 5G  New
        beyond regular conversations and enjoy interactive HD video chats   Calling technology will come with a superior audio quality of voice
        for better collaboration and connection. Leveraging the advanced   calls with the flexibility to transition effortlessly between devices
        5G New Calling technology, stc Bahrain plans to introduce unique   and enjoy robust and reliable 5G connectivity, making every call a
        features like video calls with real-time translations, turning speech   richer and more enjoyable experience.

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